文档搜索 > Sheet1 AB1??????????

Sheet1 AB1??????????


  A B
1 ??????????? ????? ?????????? ??? ??????????
abort fee ?????? ??? ?????????? ???????
4 accelerated depreciation ????????? ????????????
5 accept deposits ??????????? ??? ?????????
6 accepted receivable ??????? ????????
7 accident insurance ???????????? "???????????"
8 accidental contract ???????????? ????????
9 accompanying ??????????
10 accounted for ?????????????
11 accounting balance ??????????? ???????
12 accounting convention ??????????? ??????????
13 accounting date ??????????? ?????
14 accounting depreciation quota ??????????? ??????????????? ??????
15 accounting documents ??????????? ??????????
16 accounting entries ??????????? ???????????
17 accounting for banking operations ??????????? ??????? ??? ?????? ?? ?????????? ?????????? ???????????
18 accounting for cash flow ????????? ??? ????????? ??????
19 accounting for construction contracts ????????? ??? ??????????? ??? ??????????? ????????
20 accounting for depreciations ????????? ??? ??????????????
21 accounting for environmental costs ????????? ??? ?????????? ??? ????????? ??? ????????? ??????
22 accounting for events ocurring after the balance sheet date ????????? ??? ????????????? ????????, ?????????? ??? ?????? ??? ???????????? ??? ???????????? ?????? ?? ??? ????????, ?????????? ????? ?????? ??? ???????????? ???
23 accounting for extraordinary items ????????? ??? ????????????? ?????????
24 accounting for Government grants and Government assistance ????????? ??? ????????? ???????? ?? ????????????? ??? ????????? ??????
25 accounting for grants ????????? ??? ???????????????
26 accounting for investments ????????? ??? ?????????????
27 accounting for leases ????????? ??? ?????????  (????????????) ?????????
28 accounting for production and delivery costs ????????? ??? ?????????? ??????????????? ???????? ?? ?????????? ??? ???????????
29 accounting for profit tax ????????? ??? ??????? ?????? ??????????
30 accounting for research and development activities ????????? ??? ????????? ?? ??????????? ????????
31 accounting for taxes on income ????????? ??? ????????? ?????? ??????????
32 accounting for the effect of changes in foreign exchange rates ????????? ?????????? ??? ?????????? ??? ?????????? ????????
33 accounting for VAT ????????? ??? ??????? ?????? ??????????? ?????????
34 accounting period=reporting period ???????? ???????
35 accounting records ??????????? ???????????
36 accounts for payments and receipts ???????? ??? ????????
37 accounts for upkeep of dependents of employees abroad ???????? ??? ????????? ??? ?????????? ??? ??????????, ???????? ?? ????????
38 accounts payable on demand ??????????? ???????? ???? ??????????
39 accounts receivable or payable to cedant ???????? ???? ????????
40 accounts receivable/payable ?????????/???????????; ???????? ?? ?????? (???????)
41 accounts receivable/payable with banks (also: balances and transactions with banks) ???????? ?? ??????
42 accounts reclassified ??????????????? ???????
43 accounts with the International Monetary Fund ???????? ?? ??????????????? ???????? ?????
44 accounts with the World Bank ???????? ???? ???????????? ??????
45 accrual accounting concept; accrual method ??????????? ???????? ??? ????????????
46 accrual basis ???????? ??? ??????????????
47 accruals ?????????? ???????????
48 accrue provisions ??????????? ?????????
49 accrued expenses ?????????? ????????
50 accrued income ?????????? ????????
51 accumulated depreciation ?????????? ????????????
52 acid-test ratio ??????????? ??? ????????? ???????
53 acounting policy ??????????? ?????????
54 acquirer ???????? (??????, ???????)
55 acquisition cost ????? ??? ????????????
56 acreditation ????????????
57 acting (General) Manager ????????? ???????????
58 acting in good faith ?????????????? ?????????????
59 actions of repeal ???????????? ???????
60 active capital ???????? ????????
61 acts of God ?????????????? ????????
62 actual capital ????????????? ????????
63 actual cash value (ACV) ????????????? ?????????
64 actuarial methods ?????????? ???????
65 added value ????????? ?????????
66 addition at negotiation ??????????? ??? ?????????????
67 additional capital; additional equity ????????????? (????????) ????????
68 additional materials ????????????? ??????????
69 additional reserves ????????????? ????????
70 additional tuning ????????????? ??????????
71 additionally accrued provisions ???????????? ?????????
72 address of management ?????? ??? ???????????
73 adequate level of assurance ??????????? ??????? ??? ??????????
74 adjucation order; receiving order; writ of execution ????????????? ?????
75 adjust ??????????
76 adjust for the diminution of current market price ????????? ??? ??????????? ??? ????????????? ??? ????????? ???????? ?????
77 adjusted for noted errors ???????????? ???? ??????????? ???????
78 adjusting entries ?????????????? ???????
79 adjustment table ???????? ??? ?????????
80 adjustments ??????????????, ?????????
81 adjustments and provisions to reduce assets to their estimated recoverable amount ?????????? ??? ????????? ??? ???????? ????????????? ?????????
82 administrative case ????? ?? ???????????????? ?????????
83 administrative penal provisions ??????????????????????????? ???????????
84 administrator ???????????????????? ?????
85 advance ??????
86 advance payments ????????? ????????
87 advanced capital ?????????? ????????
88 advances for special assignments ???????? ??? ?????????? ?????  ??? ???????? ??? ??????????
89 advances from customers ???????? ??? ???????
90 advances received ????????? ???????
91 advances to employees ?????? ??? ??????????? ?????
92 advances to suppliers ??????????? ??? ???????
93 adversly affected ??????????????? ??????????
94 advisory partner ?????????? ???????????
95 against reserves ??? ??????? ??? ??????????
96 aggregated information ????????? ??????????? ??? ??????????
97 aging analysis ?????????? ???????
98 agreed upon procedures ??????????? ??????????
99 agriculture and forestry ??????? ?? ??????? ???????????
100 Air Traffic Service Authorities ????????????? "?????????? ?????????"
101 all deadlines set forth herein will be ammended to a mutually agreed upon timetable ??????? ???????? ??? ??? ????????? ????????? ???????? ?????????? ???????
102 alleviate ???????????, ???????????
103 allocate ???????? ??? ???????; ????????????
104 allocated amount ????????? ?????
105 allocation of provisions ????????? ??? ?????????
106 all-out construction ??????????? ?????????????
107 allowance ????????? (?????)
108 amortization (intangible assets) ????????????
109 amortization of goodwill ???????????? ??? ?????????? ??????????
110 amortization of intangible fixed assets ???????????? ??? ?????????????? ????????????? ???????
111 amount of interest capitalized in the cost of stocks ??????????? ??? ????????, ??????????????? ?? ???????????? ????????
112 amount of investment ??????? ??? ????????????
113 amount overdue ??????????
114 amounts deducted from employees salaries for low quality output ???????? ??? ????????????????? ??? ?????????? ??? ????????? ????? ?? ???????????????
115 amounts due ?????????? ?????
116 amounts falling due ???????? ?????
117 amounts/accounts payable ???????????
118 analytical and limited substantive reviews ??????????? ?? ??????????? ????????? ??? ?????????
119 annual financial statements in a simplified form ?????????? ?????? ??? ???????? ??????????? ??????
120 annuity insurance ??????? ????????????
121 annule books ????????? ?????????
122 anticipate ???????????, ????????
123 appeal ??????, ??????????
124 application software ????????? ????????
125 apply for credit ?????? ???????
126 appropriateness ??????????
127 approval authority ??????????? ??? ???????? ??? ????????
128 arbitration cases ??????????? ?????
129 as at December 31, 1999 ???? 31.12.1999 (???????)
130 as holding the Presidency ?? ??????????? ??? ??? ??????????
131 as of/ from??date ???????? ???
132 assented shares/stock ??????????? ??????
133 assessed and accounted for ???????? ?? ?????????????
134 assessment of the loan performance ??????? ??? ??????????? ??? ??????
135 assessment/evaluation ???????
136 asset conversion ???????????? ??? ?????????
137 asset impaired ???????? ??????
138 assets in course of construction ??????? ?? ??????? ??? ???????????
139 assets not in use ?????????? ??????? ??????????? ?? ?????????? ???????
140 assets pledged as collateral ???????, ????????????? ????? ????????????
141 assets under construction ???????? ??? ???????????? ??? ??????
142 assignee ??????????????, ???????????
143 assignor ???????????
144 assumptions ??????????????
145 at a base ???? ?????
146 at cost ??? ????? ??? ????????????
147 at lower of cost and market value ???-???????? ??? ??????? ??? ???????????? ?? ?????????? ?????
148 at maturity ???? ??????????? ??? ???????
149 at the expense of ??? ??????? ???
150 at the rate of exchange ruling on the date ??? ?????? ??? ????? ??? ??????
151 attracted capital ?????????? ????????
152 attribute to ?? ????????? ??? ??
153 audit approach ?????????? ???????
154 audit area ??????
155 audit partner ?????????? ??? ??????
156 audit trail ?????????? ????????????? ??? ????????????? ???????????; ?????????????? ??? ??????
157 auditors ???????????? (????????)
158 authorization ??????????, ???????????????
159 authorized capital (also: nominal, opening, ownership, statutory) ???????? ????????
160 authorized share capital ???????? ???????? ??????????? ????????
161 authorized to manage ????????? ??? ?????????? ?? ????????????? (????????????)
162 auxiliary activities ????????????? ????????
163 auxiliary books ????????????? ??????
164 auxilliary/supporting activity ????????????? ????????
165 available (also: disposable) capital ???????? (????????????, ?????????), ????????? ????????
166 background (proposal) ????????? ??? ????????????
167 background information ???????????
168 balance ??????
169 balance of principal ???????? ??? ?????????
170 balance off ??????????? (??? ?????????)
171 balance sheet ???????
172 balance sheet accrued interest ?????????? ?????????? ??????
173 balance sheet item ?????????? ?????; ?????????? ????????
174 balance transfer ???????????? ??? ???????? (??????) ??? ??????? ??? ????? ?? ?????? ??????
175 ban on accruing interest upon interest ???????? ??? ???????????? ??? ?????? ?????? ??????
176 bank capital ??????? ????????
177 bank charges ???????? ?????????
178 bank collection ???????? ???????
179 bank documentary collection ???????? ????????????? ???????
180 bank evaluation in privatization procedure ??????? ??? ???????? ???? ?????????????
181 bank payment order ????????? ??????????
182 bank reconciliation ???????? ????????
183 bank regulations ???????? ????????????????
184 bank transactions ???????? ???????
185 bank transfer ??????? ???????
186 banking operations ???????? ?????????
187 bankruptcy ????????????????
188 bankruptcy estate ????? ??? ??????????????????
189 base interest rate ???????? ??????? ????????
190 basic earning ??????? ????????
191 basic materials ???????? ??????????
192 basis of preparation of the financial statements ????? ??? ?????????? ??? ???????????? ??????
193 bear interest ???????????
194 bearer shares ?????? ??? ???????????
195 bench mark ????? ??? ??????????
196 benchmarking ???????????? ?? ???????? ???????
197 benefits ?????????
198 benefits and welfare ????????? ????????? ?? ??????? ??? ??????????
199 benefits foregone ??????????? ??????
200 benefits to clients ?????????? ???????????? ??? ?????????? ?? ?????????? ?????
201 BGN current accounts ?????????????? ??????? ??? ???????? ?? ???????
202 BGN current accounts of budget enterprises ??????? ??????? ??? ??????????? ???????????? ?? ???????
203 BGN demand deposits ???????????? ??????? ??? ????????? ???????????? ?? ???????
204 BGN equivalent ??????? ??????????????
205 BGN savings deposits ???????? ??????? ??? ???????? ?? ???????
206 BGN special accounts ?????????? ??????? ??? ???????? ?? ???????
207 bid bonds ??????? ?????????
208 bidding documentation ??????? ?????????????
209 bill of exchange ????????????; ???????
210 billing ????????????
211 binding force of proposal ??????????? ????? ??? ??????????????
212 block of shares ?????? ??? ??????
213 boarding expenses ?????????? ?????
214 bodily injury ???????? ???????????
215 bonds and debentures ??????????
216 bonds are stated at the amortized cost ?????????? ????????? ??? ??????? ??? ???????????? ??? ????????? (?????????)
217 bonus ???????
218 bonus stock ??????????, ???????????? ??????
219 book entry manner ????????? ??????
220 book entry registered securities ??????????? ?????? ??????
221 book profit ??????????? ????????
222 books of chronological and systematic accounts ????????? ??? ????????????? ?? ????????????? ??????????
223 books of income and expenses ?????? ??? ???????? ?? ???????? (?????????-????????? ??????)
224 borrower ?????????????????
225 borrowing costs ???????? ??? ??????????? ??? ????????
226 brand name ?????????? ?????????????
227 break down ????????????, ???????????
228 breakdown ?????????; ????????????
229 bring an action against s.o. / take proceedings against s.o. ????????? ?????
230 brokerage ???????????????
231 BSE ??????
232 buildings ???????
233 Buildings, land, forest, perennial ???????, ?????, ????? ?? ??????? ???????????
234 Bulgarian Industrial Association ??????????? ?????????? ???????
235 bullion and gems ??????????? ??????? ?? ??????????? ???????
236 business activity through a base ?????????? ???????? ????? ??????????? ?????
237 business activity through a permanent establishment ?????????? ???????? ????? ?????? ??? ?????????? ????????
238 business expenses ???????????-???????? ????????
239 business frustration ?????????? ?????????????
240 business operations ??????? ?????????
241 business relations ?????????? ????????????????
242 by type of expense ??? ????????????? ?????????
243 calculation of the instalments ???????????? ??? ?????????
244 capital ????????
245 capital base ????????? ???????? (??????????? ?????)
246 capital development costs ????????? ??? ????????? ????????
247 capital expenditure grants ???????????? ??? ???????????? ???????
248 capital intensity ???????????????
249 capital investments ???????????? ???????????
250 capital stock ??????? ?????? ??? ????????????, ?????? ?????? ??????? ?????????????? ?????????????? ?????? ????? ??????????? ??????????
251 carried at cost ???????? ??? ?????????? ?????????
252 carried at cost of acquisition ???????? ??? ????? ??? ????????????
253 carried at market value ????????? ??? ???????? ?????????
254 carry forward ????????? ??? ?????? ???????
255 carrying amount/value; book value ???????? ?????????
256 case ???????? ?????
257 case is up before court ??????????? ?????
258 cash ???????? ?????????
259 cash against documents ??????? (?? ?????.)
260 cash and amounts due from banks ???????? ????????? ?? ??????? ?? ?????? ??????
261 cash and cash equivalents ???????? ????????? ?? ???????? ????????????
262 cash at bank in Bulgarian leva ?????????????? ??????? ?? ???????
263 cash at bank in foreign currencies ?????????????? ??????? ???? ???????
264 cash basis for recognition of income ???????? ??? ????????? ??? ???????? ?? ???????? ??? ??????????? ??? ?????????? ????????????
265 cash flow from operating activities ???????? ?????? ??? ??????????
266 cash in budget accounts in Bulgarian leva ???????? ????????? ??? ????????? ??????? ?? ???????
267 cash in extra budget accounts in Bulgarian leva ???????? ????????? ??? ?????????????? ??????? ?? ???????
268 cash in extra budget accounts in foreign currency ???????? ????????? ??? ?????????????? ??????? ???? ???????
269 cash in fund-raising accounts in Bulgarian leva ???????? ????????? ??? ???????????? ??????? ?? ???????
270 cash in fund-raising accounts in foreign currency ???????? ????????? ??? ???????????? ??????? ???? ???????
271 cash in hand ???????? ????????? ??? ????? / ?? ?????
272 cash in hand & at bank ???????? ?????????
273 cash in hand & at bank in foreign currency ???????? ????????? ???? ???????
274 cash in hand in Bulgarian leva ????? ?? ???????
275 cash in hand in foreign currencies ????? ???? ???????
276 cash loan contract ???????? ??? ??????? ?? ?????
277 cash of State Budget-financed enterprises ???????? ????????? ??? ??????????? ????????????
278 cash on hand ???????? ???????????
279 cash on hand (in the safe) ??????? ?????????? (?? ?????)
280 cash register ?????? ???????
281 cash register receipt ??????? ????????
282 cash, nostros and balances with the Central Bank ???????? ?????????, ??????? ??????? ?? ??????? ?? ????????????? ???????
283 cashier ?????
284 cashless payment ?????????? (???????????)  ?????????
285 caution ??????????????
286 caveat (enter/put in) ???????????
287 cease ???????????????, ????????????
288 ceding receivables ????????? ??? ??????
289 CEO /Chief Executive Officer/ ???????? ????????????? ?????????
290 certificate for current status ?????????????? ??? ????????? ??????????
291 Certified Public Accountant ??????????? ???????? - ?????????????
292 cession receivables ????????? ??? ??????
293 CFCU /Central Finance and Contract Unit/ ??????????? ?????? ?? ????
294 challenge the price ????????? ???????
295 change in operating assets ???????? ?? ?????????, ????????? ?? ?????????? ????????
296 change in value of stocks ?????????? ??????????? ??? ??????
297 changes in operating assts ???????? ?? ????????? ????????? ?? ?????????? ????????
298 changes in operating liabilities ???????? ?? ????????????? ????????? ?? ?????????? ????????
299 charge ???????????
300 charged reserves ?????????? ????????
301 charging ????????????
302 chart of accounts ???????????
303 chattels ?????
304 check lists ?????????? ?????? (????????????)
305 cheques ?????????????? ???????
306 chief actuery's report ??????? ??? ??????? ???????
307 chief legal advisor ??????? ????????????
308 circumvent ??????????? ???????
309 citizen; physical person ?????????? ?????
310 civil (third party) liability insurance related to the possession and use of aircraft ???????????? ??????????? ????????????, ????????? ?? ?????????????? ?? ????????????? ??? ?????????? ????????
311 civil (third party) liability insurance related to the possession and use of motor vehicles ???????????? ??????????? ????????????, ????????? ?? ?????????????? ?? ????????????? ??? ???????? ????????? ?????????
312 civil (third party) liability insurance related to the possession and use of ships ???????????? ??????????? ????????????, ????????? ?? ?????????????? ?? ????????????? ??? ??????????? ???????
313 civil contract ??????????? ????????
314 civil division ??????????? ??????????
315 Civil procedure code ???????????? ????????????? ??????? (??????)
316 claim submission ??????????? ??? ?????????????
317 claimant ?????, ??????????
318 claims against employees ????????? ??? ?????? ?? ???????
319 claims against employees for shortages ????????????? ????????? ??? ?????? ?? ???????
320 claims against suppliers ????????????? ????????? ??? ???????????
321 claims incurred ??????????? ?????
322 claims outstanding reserve ??????? ??? ??????? ?????????
323 clains outstanding ??????????? ?????????
324 clams handling expenses ?????????????? ????????
325 clearance ?????????? ??? ?????, ??????????? ???????????
326 clerical error ??????? ???? ?????????????
327 client/bailor ??????????
328 close the annual accounts ??????????? ??? ?????????? ??????????? ????????????
329 closed-end investment company ?????????????? ?????????? ??? ????????? ????
330 closing balance ??????/????????????? ???????
331 closing of account ???????????? ??? ????????????? ???????
332 closing price ????? ???? ??????????
333 closing rate of exchange ????????????? ???????? ?????
334 coefficent of profitability of assets ??????????? ??? ????????????? ??? ?????????
335 coefficient of general, quick, immediate, absolute liquidity ??????????? ??? ?????, ??????, ?????????, ?????????? ???????????
336 coefficient of profitability of borrowings ??????????? ??? ????????????? ??? ???????????? ????????
337 coefficient of profitability of equity ??????????? ??? ????????????? ??? ??????????? ????????
338 coefficient of profitability of income from sales ??????????? ??? ????????????? ??? ?????????? ??? ?????????
339 co-insurance ???????????????
340 co-insuring ???????? ??? ???????????????
341 collateral ????????????
342 collateral margin ?????????????? ?????
343 collect and summarize information ????????? ???????????
344 collectability of loans ???????????? ??? ????????
345 collection ??????? (???? ??????)
346 collective labour agreement ??????????? ??????? ????????
347 collusion ??????????? ?????????? (??? ??????? ??? ?????? ??????)
348 combination lock ????????? ??????
349 come into force retroactively as from ?????? ?? ????? ???? ?????? ????? ???
350 commensurate ???????????????, ??????????
351 Commerce Act ??????????? ??????
352 commercial bank ?????????? ??????
353 commercial credit (credit against goods) ??????? ???????
354 commercial lien ?????????? ?????? ??? ??????????
355 commercial pledge ?????????? ??????
356 commercial security ?????????? ????????????
357 commercial transactions ????????? ???????
358 Commission on Securities and Stock Exchanges ????????? ??? ???????? ?????? ?? ?????????? ??????
359 commissions ??????????
360 commissions paid ?????????? ??????????
361 commitments and contingencies ???????? ????????????? ???????????/???????? ??????????? ?? ??????????? ????????????
362 Commodity Exchange ????????? ??????
363 Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) ???????????? ??? ????????????? ???????? (??????)
364 communication devices ????????????? ???????????
365 communication lines ???????????? ??????
366 companies ?????????? ??????????
367 company operations ????????? ??? ??????????
368 Company register ????????? ??? ???????????? ??????????; ?????????? ?????????
369 company's capital ??????????? ???????? ??? ??????
370 comparability between income and expenses ?????????????? ?????? ?????????? ?? ??????????
371 comparable uncontrolled prices ????????? ??????????????? ?????
372 comparative financial statements and all other comparative financial information ????????? ??????? ?? ??????? ?????? ??????????? ???????????
373 compensating balance arrangements ????????????? ??? ????????????? ??? ????????
374 compensation (also:default; forfeit;penalty; liquidated damages) ??????????
375 compensation and benefits ???????? ??????????????? ?? ????????? ???????????
376 compensatory bill/certificate ?????????????? ??????
377 compensatory bond ??????????????? ????
378 competent bodies ???????????? ???????
379 compilation ?????????? (?????.???????)
380 compilation report ??????? ?????? ???????????? /????????????? ??? ??????????? ???????
381 composition of loan portfolio ??????????/?????????? ??? ?????????? ?????????
382 compounded interest ??????????????? ??????
383 compounding ???????????????
384 computers and communications network ??????????? ?? ???????????
385 computing of excise flat amounts ???????????? ??? ???????? ???????
386 concealed partnership ??????? ??????????
387 concession rights ???????????? ??????
388 conclusion of commercial transaction ?????????? ??? ?????????? ???????
389 concurrently ?????????????, ????????????, ??????????
390 configure ?????????????
391 connected accounts ????????? ???????? ??? ???????????? ??? ???????? ???????
392 conservator ????????
393 consideration ????????? ??????????; ????????????
394 consignment note ???????????? ??????
395 consignor ????????????/???????????
396 consistency/consecutively ???????????????
397 consistent with the best practicies of the industry ?? ????????????? ?? ????-???????? ??? ??????????? ??? ?????????
398 consolidation of financial statements ?????????????? ??? ????????????? ???????
399 constant capital (net assets) ?????????? ???????? (?????? ???????)
400 constituent meeting ???????????? ?????????
401 constitute ?????????
402 construction ?????????????
403 construction of tangible fixed assets in progress ???????? ??? ???????????? ??? ???????????? ??????????? ???????
404 consumables ????????????
405 consumer prices ????? ??? ?????????????? ??????
406 contingencies ????????????? ????????
407 contingencies and events after the balance sheet date ???????? ??????????? ?? ???????? ????? ??????? ??? ????????
408 contingency plan ????? ??? ????????? ?? ???????? ??? ????????????? ????????
409 contingent liabilities ???????? ???????????
410 contingent liabilities ?????????? ??? ???????? ???????????
411 contingent liabilities ?????????? ??? ???????? ?????????
412 contingent loss ???????????? ???????
413 contingent receivables ????????? ??? ???????? ?????????
414 continuous posting ??????? ???????????? (??????????? ????????)
415 contract for bank credit ???????? ??? ??????? ???????
416 contract for bank safe deposit box ???????? ??? ???????? ????????
417 contract for commodity control ???????? ??? ??????? ????????
418 contract for current account ???????? ??? ??????? ???????
419 contracted value ??????????? ?????
420 contracting party ???????????
421 contractor ??????????? (???????????; ??????????)
422 contractual loan ????????????? ?????
423 contribution in kind ???????? ???????
424 contribution of a right for the creation or transfer ????????? ??? ?????? ??? ??????????? ???? ????????????
425 control ????????
426 controlling interest ?????????? ????????
427 conversion ?????????????? /??? ???????????? ??????/
428 conversion of accounts ?????????????? ??? ???????
429 convert shares into stock ???????? ?????? ?? ??????????? ????????
430 cooperatives ???????????
431 copy abstract ??????? ???????????
432 core deposit base ???????? ?????????? ?????
433 corporate income tax ????????????? ??????
434 corporate shares ?????? ?? ????????????
435 correction of fundamental errors ????????? ??? ???????? ???????
436 correspondence between opening and closing balance sheets ??????????? ??????? ?????? ???????? ?? ?????? ???????????  ???????
437 corroborate ?????????????, ??????????
438 corroborative ?????????????, ??????????
439 cost benefit analysis ??????? ??? ???????????????? ??? ???????????? ????????
440 cost of hired services ???????? ??? ??????? ???????
441 cost of insurance transactions ???????? ??? ???????????????? ?????????
442 cost of materials ???????? ??? ??????????
443 cost of production; production costs ??????????????? ????????
444 cost of sales ????????????? ??? ???????????
445 cost of self-constructed or liquidated fixed assets ???????? ??? ???????????? ?? ??????????? ??? ?????? ??? ?????????? ??????
446 cost of the merchandise and livestock purchased and sold ???????? ????????? ??? ???????????? ??????, ?????? ???????? ?? ???????? ??? ?????????
447 cost price ????????? ?????
448 counter receivables ????????? ?????????
449 counterparty ?????????; ??????, ?????????
450 court claims ???????? ???????
451 court of first instance / lower court ???? ??? 1-??? ??????????
452 court of jurisdiction ???????????? ????
453 court of second instance ????????? ??????????
454 court penal ???????
455 court receivables ?????????? ?????????
456 court ruling ???????? ????????
457 covenants ?????????? ?????????? ????????
458 cover liabilities ???????? ???????????
459 credentials ??????????; ??????????? (???????????? ??????)
460 credit activity ????????? ???????? (??????)
461 credit committee (in a bank) ????????? ???????? (??????)
462 credit insurance ????????????? ??? ????????
463 credit line ????????? ??????
464 credit note ????????-????????? ?????????
465 credit the account ?????????? ?????????
466 credit to income ??????????? ??? ????????
467 creditability ????????
468 creditor; lender ?????????
469 creditors' committee ???????? ??? ????????????
470 creditworthy ????????????????
471 criterion ??????????
472 cross payments ????????? ?????????
473 cross trades ???????????/???????? ???????
474 cross-reference ??????????? ???????????
475 cumulative index ???????????? ???????
476 current account ?????????????? ???????
477 current account balances ????????? ??? ??????? ???????
478 current account contract ???????? ??? ??????? ???????
479 current assets ????????????? ???????
480 current liabilities ????????????? ???????????
481 current period result (profit or loss) ????????? ??? ????????? ??????? (???????? ???? ???????)
482 current period result unadjusted for tax purposes ????????? ????????? ?????? ???????? ??????????????
483 current position ??????? ??????????
484 current ratio ??????? ????????????
485 current tax ?????? ??????
486 current year loss ??????? ??? ????????? ???????
487 current year profit ???????? ??? ??????? ???????; ????????? ??? ????????? ???????
488 current year profit and loss ???????? ?? ??????? ??? ????????? ???????
489 custodian of the property ??????????? ?????????? ?????
490 custody service ????????????? ????????
491 customers ????????
492 customers accounts and related accounts ???????? ?? ????????? ?? ???? ???????
493 customers under special terms ???????? ??? ????????? ???? ??????????? ????????
494 customers under trade credit terms ???????? ??? ?????????? ????????
495 customers under trade credit terms in foreign currency ???????? ??? ????????????? ???????? ???????? ???? ???????
496 customs clearance ??????????? ???????????
497 customs office ???????? ?? ????????
498 cut down staff ??????????? ??? ??????????
499 daily allowance ??????? ?????
500 damages ??????, ?? ???: ?????
501 data processing ?????? ??? ??????
502 date of hearing ????? ??? ???????? ??? ?????
503 date of lending ????? ??? ????????????? ??? ?????
504 date of maturity according to contract ????? ??? ???????????? ??? ????????
505 date of occurrence ????? ??? ???????????
506 day-to-day activity ?????????? ????????
507 deal with foreign currency ?????????? ?? ???????
508 dealing ?????????
509 dealing profits ???????????? ???????? ??? ????????? (?? ?????? ??????, ???????)
510 dealings ?????????
511 debenture capital ????????????? ????????
512 debenture loans; debentures ????????????? ??????
513 debit/credit an account ??????????/??????????? ???????
514 debt ?????
515 debt against property ????? ?????? ????????????
516 debt capital instrument ??????? ???????????
517 debt equity swap ??????? ??? ????? ?????? ????????????
518 debt securities ???????? ?????? ??????
519 debtors/placements/receivables ?????????
520 debts written off ????????? ?????????
521 decline of prices ?????????? ??? ???????
522 declining balance depreciation method ???????????-??????????? ?????? (?????? ??? ??????????? ??? ????????)
523 decrease in accordance with the Bulgarian Tax Legislation ?????????? ??????? ???????????? ???????? ???????????????
524 decrease of financial result ?????????? ??? ??????????? ?????????
525 decrease of finished goods, work in progress and deferred expenses ?????????? ??? ????????? ??? ??????????, ???????????? ????????????? ?? ???????? ??? ??????? ????????
526 decrease of life insurance premium provisions ??????????? ????????? ???????? ??? ???????????? ??????
527 decreeing a general attachment ?????????????? ??? ???? ??????
528 deduct ??????????; ??????????; ????????
529 deductible temporary differences ????????? ????????, ?????????? ??? ???????????
530 deductibles ????????, ??????????? ????????? ????????? ??? ?????????? ?????
531 default ??????????, ???????????
532 defendant ?????????
533 deferral of interest or principal payments ???????????? ??? ??????????? ??? ????????/???????????
534 deferred acquisition costs (DAC) ?????????? ????????????? ????????
535 deferred expenses ???????? ??? ??????? ????????
536 deferred financial expenses ?????????? ???????? ??? ??????? ????????
537 deferred financial income ?????????? ???????? ??? ??????? ????????
538 deferred income ???????? ??? ??????? ????????
539 deferred loans ?????????? ????????
540 deferred premium ??????????? ???????
541 deferred tax assets ????????? ???????? ??????
542 deferred tax liabilities ???????? ???????? ??????
543 deferred taxes ?????????? ???????
544 deferred taxes payable ??????????? ??? ?????????? ???????
545 demand deposits ?????????????? ???????
546 dematerialized shares by name ??????????? ????????? ??????
547 deminution ??????????
548 denominated ??????????? ???? ????????????
549 denominated in (BGN, USD ??) ???????????? ?? (?????, ??????? ??)
550 departure from requirements ???????????? ??? ?????????????
551 deposit balances maintained with the bank ?????? ??? ??????????? ????????? ??? ?????? ????????, ????????????? ??? ????????
552 deposit in public warehouse ????? ?? ????????? ??????
553 deposit taking institutions ????????????????? ???????????
554 depositor ?????????
555 depositors ??????????
556 deposits ????????????? ????????? (????????? ??????)
557 deposits from customers ????????? ??? ????????
558 deposits in Bulgarian leva ??????? ????????? ?? ???????
559 deposits in goreign currency ??????? ????????? ???? ???????
560 deposits received ??????? ?????????
561 deposits received in accounts for housing construction ??????? ??? ???????? ????????????? ?? ???????
562 deposits received in Bulgarian leva in financial institutions ??????????? ????????? ?? ???????
563 Deposits received in foreign currency in financial institutions ??????????? ????????? ???? ???????
564 depreciation (of tangible assets) ????????????
565 depreciation accounting ??????????????? ??? ????????????
566 depreciation and amortization ???????? ??? ????????????
567 depreciation charge ??????????????? ??????
568 depreciation charges ???????? ??? ????????????
569 depreciation methods: 1)straight line; 2)reducing balance; 3) unit of producton ??????? ??? ????????????: 1) ??????? ??????; 2) ??? ??????????? ??? ????????; 3) ????? ??? ????????
570 depreciation methods: 2) non-linear methods for depreciation - 2.2. Progressive non-linear method  ??????? ??? ????????????: 2) ?????????? ??????? ??? ???????????? - ???????????? ????????? ??????
571 depreciation methods: 2) non-linear methods for depreciation-2.1. Declining balance non-linera methods; 2.1.1. Reducing balance method; 2.1.2. Staggered reducing balance method; 2.1.3. Sum of digits method ??????? ??? ????????????: 2) ?????????? ??????? ??? ????????????-2.1. ??????????? ?????????? ???????; 2.1.1. ??????????? ??????????? ?????? (?????? ??? ??????????? ??? ????????); 2.1.2. ????????????? ??????????? ??????; 2.1.3. ?????? ??? ??????? ??? ????????
572 depreciation of tangible fixed assets ???????????? ??? ?????????????? ??????????? ???????
573 depreciation on idle assets ???????????? ??? ???????, ????????????? ?? ???????????????
574 depreciation rate ??????????????? ??????
575 depreciation schedule ??????????????? ?????
576 depreciation/amortisation/revaluation ?????????
577 derive ???????????, ?????????
578 detailed account ??????????? ???????
579 determination of price ??????????? ??? ???????
580 developer ????????????; ???????????
581 devisee ?????????? (???.)
582 diminution in value/diminishing in value/ make or become less ?????? ?? ????????? ?????????
583 direct claim ????? ????
584 direct costs/directly attributable costs ?????? ????????
585 direct tax liabilities ?????? ???????? ???????????
586 Director ??????????
587 disability ??????????????????
588 disbursed amount ???????? ???? ?????????? ?????
589 disbursed loan ???????? ?????
590 disbursment ?????????? ??? ?????
591 disclaimer ?????? ??? ??????
592 disclosed depreciation ????????? ????????????
593 disclosure ?????????????
594 disclosure of related parties and transactions with them ????????????? ??? ??????????? ????? ?? ??? ????????? ?????? ????
595 discontinue operations ??????????????? ??????????
596 discontinuing activities ???????????????? ?????????
597 discount securities ??????????? ?????? ??????
598 discounted cash flow ?????????? ???????? ?????? (?????? ??? ??????? ??? ???????????)
599 discounts allowed to reinsurers on general/life insurances ?????????? ??????? ??? ?????????????????? ??? ????? ?????????????/???????????? ??????
600 discretion ???????????, ???????? ??? ?????????
601 dispatched goods ?????????? ??????
602 dispatched goods and completed jobs ?????????? ?????? ?? ?????????? ???????
603 dispatched materials and goods ?????????? ?? ?????? ??? ????
604 disposal (fixed assets) ?????????
605 disposal of tangible fixed assets ??????????? ??? ???????????? ??????????? ???????
606 disposal/purchases of equity investments ??????????/???????????? ??? ??????????? ???????????
607 dissolution/winding-up/liquidation ?????????????
608 distortion ???????????
609 distraint ??????
610 distrait upon (distrain v) ?????? ??????
611 distribution ?????????
612 district courts ???????? ?????????
613 dividend in arrears ?????????? ??????? ?????????
614 divident per share ????????? ??? ??????
615 dividents in arrears ???????? ?? ??????????? ??????????
616 Division ????????????
617 division/partitition ??????????
618 divulge ????????, ??????????, ????????????
619 document flow; document turnover ????????????????
620 documentary motivation of the business transactions ????????????? ?????????????
621 documentation of transactions ?????????????? ??? ???????????? ?????????
622 documents of title ?????????? ??? ????????????
623 donations ????????
624 double entry accounting ??????? ??????????? ??????????
625 doubtful and bad debts ???????????????? ?? ???????????? ?????????
626 doubtful exposures ??????????? ???????????
627 doubtful loans ??????? ?????????? ??????
628 drafts/notes ???????
629 due care ???????? ??????
630 due care requirement ?????????? ??? ???????? ??????
631 due dilligence ????????????? ????????
632 EAR/CAR engineering all risk and constructional risk ???????????? ??? ???????? ?????????????? ?? ????????????? ??????/??????
633 early claim ??????????? ????????????
634 earned income ???????????? ????????
635 earned premium ???????? ???????
636 earnest money ??????????
637 earnings per share ??????? ??? ??????
638 effective from (date) and beyond ???????? ???/?? ????? ??? (?????) ????????
639 effective July 1 '97 a new law on the Bulgarian National Bank was introduced in Bulgaria ??? 11 ???? 97 ??. ?????? ?? ????? ???? ?????? ??? ??????
640 effects of changes in foreign currency rates ?????????? ??? ?????????? ???? ?????????? ????????
641 efficiency ratio ??????????? ??? ?????????????????
642 effluxion of time ????????? ??? ??????
643 electricity carriers ???????????? ??? ????????????? ????????
644 element in the report ???????? ??? ??????
645 emerging markets ??????????? ???????? ???????????
646 emissions ???????
647 employed capital ?????????? (???????) ????????
648 employee benefits; staff costs; personnel expenses ???????? ??? ??????????
649 employees and shareholders ????????? ?? ???????????
650 employees benefits ???????? ??? ????????????
651 encroach (upon one's rights) ??? ????????, ???????? (?????? ???????? ???)
652 endorse ??????????
653 endorsement of writ ??????????? ??? ?????????
654 enforcement ????????????? ???????????
655 enforcement action ????????? ?? ????????????? ?????????
656 enforcement measures ????????????? ??????
657 engross ????????? ??????????? ????
658 enhence ???????????, ????????
659 enlargement process ??????? ??? ????????????
660 enrolment ????????????
661 entertainment ??????????????? ????????
662 entitled to ????? ???????? ???; ???????????? ???? ???
663 entry ??????????? ??????????
664 equalized installment ????????????? ???????
665 equity ????????
666 equity / share capital ????????? ????????
667 equity capital ???????? ???? ???????? ??? ??????????? ??????; ?????? ????????
668 equity investment ??????????? ???????????
669 equity method of accounting ??? ??????? ??? ???????? ????????? ??? ?????????
670 equity per share ???????? ??? ??????
671 equity statement ?????? ??? ??????????? ????????
672 equity; share capital paid in ???????? ???????? (???????)
673 errors and departures from Bulgarian statutory accounting regulations ??????? ?? ???????????? ??? ???????????? ??????????? ??????????? ?????
674 establish ??????????
675 establish a pledge on ?????????? ?????? ??????
676 estimate (not: forecast) ????????????
677 eurobonds ??????????????
678 European Credit Transfer System ???????? ??? ????????????? ??? ??????????? ?? ???????????????? ????????? ?? ????????
679 events ????????????
680 events of default ??????? ??? ??????????? ??? ?????????
681 examination ?????????
682 exchange gains ???????? ??? ???????? ???? ???????? ????????
683 exchange loss??s ??????? ??? ???????? ???? ?????????? ????????
684 excise duties and payables to ministries ???????? ??? ??????? ?? ?? ?????????????
685 exclusive economic zone ????????????? ????????????? ?????
686 exclusive right ????????????? ??????
687 execute payment order ??????????? ?????????? ??? ????????
688 executive summary ???????
689 executory officer ?????? ???????????
690 exempt from income tax ?????????? ??? ??????
691 exhibit ??????????????
692 expected useful life ?????????? ????? ??? ????????
693 expedience ????????????????
694 expense items ????????????? ??? ??????????
695 expense recognition ??????????? ??? ????????
696 expenses ????????
697 expenses accounts ??????? ??? ????????
698 expenses by functions ???????? ??? ??????????
699 expenses by type ???????? ??? ????????????? ?????????
700 expenses covered by the Budget ???????? ??? ????????? ?????????
701 expenses for banking activity ???????? ??? ???????? ???????
702 expenses for commercial activity ???????? ??? ?????????? ????????
703 expenses for insurance and indemnities ???????? ??? ???????????????? ????? ?? ????????????
704 expenses for insurance commissions ???????? ??? ?????????? ??? ???????????????
705 expenses for insurance reserves ???????? ??? ????????? ???????????????? ????????
706 expenses for manufacturing ???????? ??? ??????????? ????????
707 expenses for participation in the result ???????? ??? ???????? ?? ??????????
708 expenses for passive insurance ???????? ??? ???????? ????????????????
709 expenses for premiums conceded to reinsurance companies ???????? ??? ?????????? ??????? ??? ??????????????????
710 expenses for provisioning of risk assets ???????? ??? ???????????? ??? ???????? ???????
711 expenses for released reserves for passive reinsurance ??????? ??? ??????????? ???????? ??? ???????? ????????????????
712 expenses for supporting activity ???????? ??? ????????????? ????????
713 expenses for transport activity ???????? ??? ???????????? ????????
714 expenses not covered by the Budget ???????? ??? ?????????????? ?????????
715 expenses not supported by documents ????????????? ???????????? ????????
716 expenses of courts ???????? ??? ?????????? ????????
717 expenses of local budgets ???????? ??? ????????? ????????
718 expenses of ministries and state administration ???????? ??? ????????????? ?? ??????????
719 expenses of regional administration ???????? ??? ????????? ??????????????
720 expenses on insurance payments for direct insurance ???????? ??? ???????????????? ????????? ??? ?????? ?????????????
721 expenses related to construction in progress and liquidation of fixed assets ???????? ??? ???????????? ?? ??????????? ??? ???????????? ??????????? ??????? ??? ?????????? ??????
722 expert ????? ?????
723 expiration of validity ????????? ??? ????????
724 explanatory notes ???????????? ????????
725 export of goods ???????? ??? ????????? ??? ?????? ??? ????????
726 express ???????????
727 extend loan term ?????????? ???????
728 extended funds ????????????? ?????????
729 extension of loans ????????????? ??? ????????
730 extra budgetary revenue ?????????????? ????????
731 extraordinary expenses ??????????? ????????
732 extraordinary income ??????????? ????????
733 extraordinary items ??????????? ?????????
734 face value ?????????? ?????
735 fair value ???????????? ?????????; ???????????? ?????
736 family insurance ???????? ????????????
737 feasibility study ??????? ??? ??????????????
738 feasibility study costs ???????? ??? ?????????????? ??????????
739 fee and commission income, net ???????? ??? ?????? ?? ??????????, ??????
740 fees ???????????????; ??????
741 fees ???????? ??? ??????
742 fictitious (also: property) capital ????????? ????????
743 field work (auditing) ???????? ????? (??????????)
744 file an application ???????? ??????????
745 file cancellation claim ??????????? ???????????? ????
746 file interroation ?????????? ??? ?????????? (??????)
747 finance lease ????????? ???????
748 financial activity ?????????? ????????
749 Financial Advisory Services ?????????????? ????????
750 financial assets accounts ??????? ??? ?????????? ?????????
751 financial assets not owned by the enterprise ?????? ?????????? ???????
752 financial duress ??????? ??????
753 financial expenses ?????????? ????????
754 financial income ?????????? ????????
755 financial institution ?????????? ???????????
756 financial leverage ratio ??????????? ??? ?????????? ?????????????
757 financial long-term assets ???????????? ??????????? ?? ?????????
758 financial position/standing ?????????? ??????????
759 financial recovery ???????????? ??? ????????????
760 financial reporting ??????????? ??????????
761 financial reporting of joint ventures and jointly controlled operations ????????? ??? ?????????? ????????????? ???????????? ?? ?????????
762 financial result ????????? ?????????
763 financial statements ??????????? ??????
764 financial statements of insurance companies ??????????? ??????? ??? ?????????????????? ????????????
765 financial year end ??????????? ????????????
766 financing (grants and subsidies) ?????????????
767 financing gap ????????? ??????????
768 financing recognized as income in the current period, subsidies inclusive ???????? ??? ?????????????, ?? ??.??. ????????? ??? ??????????
769 findings ????????????
770 fines and indemnities received / write offs ???????? ??? ?????? ?? ??????????/????????? ???????????
771 fines and penalties ?????? ?? ??????????
772 fines and penalties paid ???????? ??? ?????? ?? ??????????
773 fines and penalties received ???????? ??? ?????? ?? ??????????
774 fines received ???????? ??? ??????
775 finished goods ??????????
776 fire and natural disasters insurance ???????????? ?????? ?? ????????? ?????????
777 First/Second instance pending ??????/?????? ?????????? (???????????? ????? ??? ?????)
778 first-in, first-out (value of outflow of stocks) ?????? ????????, ?????? ????????? ????? (?????????????)
779 first-year premium ????????????? ???????
780 fiscal year ???????? ???????
781 fixed assets ???????????? ???????
782 fixed assets in progress ???????? ??? ???????????? ??? ??????
783 fixed assets register/inventory book ??????????? ??????
784 fixed capital ?????????? (????????) ????????
785 fixtures and fittings ?????????? ?????????
786 flat discount ?????????? ?????????
787 flight (also: refugee) capital ???????? ?? ???????? ????????
788 force majeure ????????????? ?????
789 foreclosure ????????????? ??????????? ?????? ????; ?????????
790 foreclosure court case ????????????? ?????
791 foreign and local correspondents ????????????? ?? ??????? ??????????????
792 foreign correspondents ???????? ?? ????????????? ??????????????
793 foreign currency budget accounts of budget enterprises ????????? ??????? ??? ??????????? ???????????? ???? ???????
794 foreign currency clients accounts ?????? ??????? ??? ???????? ???? ???????
795 foreign currency current accounts ?????????????? ??????? ??? ???????? ???? ???????
796 foreign currency current accounts of budget enterprises ??????? ??????? ??? ??????????? ???????????? ???? ???????
797 foreign currency demand deposits ???????????? ??????? ??? ????????? ???????????? ???? ???????
798 foreign currency loans to foreign persons ????????????? ?????? ??? ????????????? ????? ???? ???????
799 foreign currency payments and receipts ???????? ??? ???????? ???? ???????
800 foreign currency savings deposits ???????? ??????? ??? ???????? ???? ???????
801 foreign currency special accounts ?????????? ??????? ??? ???????? ???? ???????
802 foreign currency translation differences ???????? ????????
803 foreign entities ???????????? ?????????? ????????
804 foreign exchange gains ???????????? ???????? ??? ???????? ??? ?????????? ????????
805 foreign exchange holdings ???????? ???????????
806 foreign exchange losses ???????????? ???????? ??? ???????? ??? ?????????? ????????
807 foreign exchange rate gains ???????????? ???????? ????????
808 forensic services ??????????? ???????
809 forgiven amounts owed to creditors ????????? ???????????
810 formation of a company ??????????? ??? ????????????
811 forward contracts ??????? (????????) ???????
812 forwarding contract ???????????? ????????
813 freeze ?????????? ??? ???????
814 fringe ????????????? ???????? ???????????????
815 front running ????????? ??? ???????? ?????? ????????
816 fuel ???????? ??????????
817 fuel and energy inputs ????????????? ??????? ?? ????????
818 full license ?????? ???????
819 fully disbursed/fully repaid ??????? ??????????
820 fundamental errors ???????? ???????
821 funds ????????
822 furnish information ??????????? ???????????
823 GAAP ??????????? ??????????? ?????????
824 gain ????????/??????
825 gain an insight to ?????????? ?? ?????????? ???
826 gain from dealing securities ???????????? ????????/???????? ??? ????????? ?? ?????? ??????
827 gain on net monetary position ???????? ??? ?????? ???????? ????????
828 gains arising as a result of dealing in foreign currencies ???????? ??? ???????? ?????????
829 gains arising as a result of dealing securities ???????? ??? ????????? ?? ???????????
830 gains on the sale of securities ???????????? ???????? ??? ??????????? ??? ?????? ??????
831 gains/(losses) arising from dealing in foreign currencies, net ????????/(???????) ??? ????????? ?? ????????????? ???????, ??????
832 gains/(losses) arising from dealing securities ????????/(???????) ??? ????????? ?? ?????? ??????
833 gap analysis ??????? ??? ???????????
834 garbage collection fee ?????? ?????
835 gearing ????????? ?????????????
836 general administrative expenses ????? ???????????????? ????????
837 general administrative expenses ???????? ??? ???????????? ?? ???????????
838 general civil (third party) liability insurance ???????????? ????? ??????????? ????????????
839 general insurance paid ?????????? ???????????? ??? ????? ????????????
840 general insurance provisions ????????? ???????? ??? ????? ?????????????
841 general insurance; non-life insurance ????? ?????????????
842 general ledger ??????? ??????
843 General Manager ?????????????? ?????????
844 general partnership ???????????? ??????????
845 general provisions ????? ?????????
846 general purchasing power ????? ???????????? ???????????
847 general reserv??s shall be allocated from post-tax profits ??????? ???????? ??? ????????? ????? ????????? ??? ?????????? ?? ??????
848 generating capacity ??????????????? ????????
849 give correct idea ?????? ?????? ??????????
850 going concern ???????? ??? ???????????? ????????????
851 goods and packaging ?????? ?? ????????
852 goods at stock; goods hold at stock; available goods at stock; stock of goods ????????? ??????????
853 goods for reprocessing, additional processing and storing ?????? ??? ???????????, ???????????? ?? ???????????
854 goods for resale ??????
855 goods for resale in store ?????? ??? ??????
856 goods on consignment ?????? ??? ????????????
857 goods pledged as collateral ?????? ????????? ????? ????????????
858 goodwill ???????????? ??????????
859 government bonds ????????? ??????????
860 government grants for curreent operations ????????????? ??? ??????? ????????
861 government grants related to fixed assets ????????????? ??? ???????????? ???????
862 government securities ????????? ?????? ??????
863 grant a loan ????????? ???????
864 grant license ???????? ???????????
865 grants ???????
866 grants for working capital needs ???????? ??? ????????????? ??? ????????? ????????
867 grave irregularities ?????? ??????????
868 grooming ??????????, ?????????????
869 gross ???????
870 gross margin ??????? ?????????? ????????? ?????? ????? ??? ????? ?? ????? ??? ???????
871 groundlessness ????????????????
872 group ????????????? ??????
873 growth of sales ????? ??? ???????????
874 guarantee ?????????
875 guarantee fund charges ??????????? ??? ????????????? ?????
876 guarantees against loans in foreign currency ?????????? ??????????? ??? ????????? ?????? ???? ???????
877 guarantees against secured company credit received by enterprises ?????????? ??????????? ??? ???????????? ??? ???????????? ???????? ??????
878 guarantees against unsecured company credit received by enterprises ?????????? ??????????? ??? ???????????? ??? ?????????????? ???????? ??????
879 guarantees in foreign currency ?????????? ??????????? ??? ????????? ?????? ???? ???????
880 guarantees in foreign currency ???????? ??? ?????????
881 guarantees on promisory notes ?????????????? ??? ??????? ??? ????????
882 guide ?????????
883 guilt-edged securities ???????????? ?????? ??????
884 hardware platform flexibility ?????????? ??? ???????????? ??????????
885 healthcare ???????????????; ???????? ????????????
886 hereinafter ?????? ????????
887 high liquid assets ?????????????? ???????
888 hired services ??????? ???????
889 hired services / subcontractors ???????? ??? ??????? ???????
890 historical cost ???????????? ?????
891 historical cost convention ???????? ??? ?????????????? ?????
892 hold harmless ?????????????? ??? ????????????
893 hold on hire purchase ?????? ??? ????????????
894 holding deed ??????????? ???? ??? ????????????
895 housing cooperatives ?????????????????? ???????????
896 housing real estate ????????? ????? ?? ???????? ???????
897 hyperinflation restatement ????????????????? ??????????????
898 identified ???????????????, ???????????
899 idle (also: unemployed) capital ???????????? ????????
900 immaterial/material damage ???????????/????????????? ??????
901 immediate execution ?????????? ???????????
902 immediate risk ?????????????? ?????
903 imminent ??????????
904 impairment of assets ??????????? ??? ?????????
905 implementation ???????????; ??????????????, ???????????
906 implementing organization ???????????? ??????????
907 implication ???????????
908 implicit ???????? ???????????; ???????????, ???????????
909 importer's mark up ????????? ??????????/????????? ??? ??????????
910 in due course ??? ?????????? ????
911 in proportion to ?? ??????????????? ??? ??
912 inadmissibility ??????????????
913 inaugurate ????????? ?? ?????????
914 incidental costs ????????????? ?????????/????????
915 included in income ????????? ??? ??? ???????
916 income ????????
917 income & expense items ??????? ??? ???????? ?? ????????
918 income earned from investments in other businesses of it, dividents earned ???????? ??? ??????????, ?? ????? ?????? ??? ??????????
919 income on investments ???????? ??? ??????? ????????
920 income statement ?????? ??? ???????? ?? ????????
921 income tax ?????? ????????
922 incorporated mortgage ????????? ????????
923 incorporation ???????????
924 incorporation account ???????????? ??????? (???????????)
925 incorporation and expansion costs ???????? ??? ??????????? ?? ????????????
926 in-court and judged receivables ???????? ?? ?????????? ?????????
927 increase in carrying amount of trade investments ??????????? ??????????? ??? ??????????? ???????????
928 increase in the stock of production ??????????? ??? ????????? ??? ??????????
929 increase in weight and number of livestock ????????? ?? ???????? ??? ????????
930 increase/decrease of deferred income ???????????/?????????? ??? ???????? ??? ??????? ????????
931 increment ???????????, ???????????
932 incremental borrowing rate ??????????? ????????? ??? ????????????? ??? ??????
933 incumbent operator ????????
934 incurred claims ?????????? ????????????
935 indemnity ?????????????? ??? ????????????, ????????????; ??????????????? ??? ????????
936 indemnity; remedy ????????????????
937 independence of the different reporting periods ????????????? ??? ?????????? ???????? ????????
938 independent appraiser ??????????  ??????? ?????????
939 index of consumer goods ??????? ??? ???????????????? ?????
940 indicative offers ???????????? ???????
941 indirect ownership ???????? ???????????
942 individual accounting unit ????????? ???????? ??????
943 indivisibility ??????????? (??? ????????)
944 industrial capital ?????????? ????????
945 inflow (cash) from basic activity ???????????? ??? ???????? ????????
946 infusion ???????? (??????????)
947 inherent nature ???????, ???????
948 injunction ???????? ?????????????
949 in-kind / non-monetary contributions ?????????? ???????
950 in-kind commercial discount ?????????? ?????????? ?????????
951 in-kind contribution ???????? ???????
952 inquiry ???????????
953 inside information ????????? ???????????
954 insider ????????? ????????? ?????
955 insider trading ?????????, ????????? ??? ?????????? ??? ????????? ???????????
956 insolvency ????????????????; ????????????????????
957 Institute of Bulgarian National Statistics ???????????? ?????????????? ?????????
958 insurable amount ???????????????? ?????
959 insurance ???????? ??? ?????????????
960 insurance claim ???????????????? ????????????
961 insurance event ???????????????? ????????
962 insurance indemnity ???????????????? ????????????
963 insurance instalments ???????????????? ???????
964 insurance of aircraft ???????????? ??? ?????????? ????????
965 insurance of children ??????? ????????????
966 insurance of damage to property ???????????? ??? ????? ??? ??????????
967 insurance of goods in transit ???????????? ??? ??????? ??? ?????? ??? ????
968 insurance of land vehicles, excluding rail vehicles ???????????? ??? ?????????? ????????? ????????? ???? ???????? ????????? ?????????
969 insurance of miscelaneous financial losses ???????????? ??? ?????? ?????????? ???????
970 insurance of rail vehicles ???????????? ??? ???????? ????????? ?????????
971 insurance of ships ???????????? ??? ??????????? ???????
972 insurance period ???????????????? ?????
973 insurance policy ???????????????? ???????
974 insurance premium ???????????????? ???????
975 insurance premiums received ??????????? ???????????????? ???????
976 insurance receivables ????????? ??? ????????????
977 insurance reserves ??????????????? ????????
978 insurance technical (special) provisions ???????????????? ??????????? ???????
979 intangible fixed assets ????????????? ???????????? ???????
980 intangible fixed assets ???????????? ????????????? ???????
981 integrated database ???????????? ????? ??????
982 interbank placements ????????????? ???????????
983 intercompany accounts ????????? ????????
984 interdiction ?????????
985 interest bearing securities ??????????? ?????? ??????
986 interest coverage ????????? ??? ????????
987 interest earned ???????? ??? ??????
988 interest expenses ???????? ??? ??????
989 interest income ???????? ??? ??????
990 interest on deposits with financial institutions ???????? ??? ?????? ??? ??????? ?? ??????
991 interest on loans granted ???????? ??? ?????? ??? ????????????? ??????
992 interest payable ??????????? ??? ??????
993 interest payable and receivable ???????? ??? ??????
994 interest rate ??????? ????????
995 interest rate margin ????????? ???? ????????? ????????
996 interest receivable ????????? ??? ??????
997 interest set by law ????????? ??????
998 interests in local companies ??????? ???????? ?? ??????? ??????????
999 interests on performing loans ?????? ??? ????????????? ????????
1000 intergovernmental agreements ???????? ??? ???????????????????? ?????????
1001 interim certificate ????????? ??????????????
1002 interim financial statements ????????? ??????????? ??????
1003 intermediaries ???????????
1004 international agreements ????????????? ???????
1005 introduction ?????
1006 inventories not owned by the enterprise ?????? ??????????? ???????
1007 inventory ??????????? ???????
1008 inventory accounts ??????? ??? ??????????? ???????
1009 investment in equity securities ??????????? ?? ??????????? ?????? ??????
1010 investment property ?????????????? ??????
1011 investment reserves ?????????????? ????????
1012 investments in other businesses ?????????? ?? ???????
1013 investments in securities not registered at the stock exchange ?????????? ?? ?????? ?????? ????????? ??? ????????? ??? ?????????? ??????
1014 investments in securities registered at the stock exchange ?????????? ?? ?????? ?????? ??????? ??? ????????? ??? ?????????? ??????
1015 invite offers ?????? ???????
1016 inward (insurance) ???????? ?????????????
1017 inwards/outward reinsurance ????????/???????? ????????????????
1018 IPO ????????????? ????????? ???????????
1019 irregular premium ?????????? ???????
1020 issuance ???????
1021 issuance of equvalent copies ????????? ??? ???????? ???????????
1022 issuance of share capital ??????? ??? ?????? ????????
1023 issue and demand ???????? ?? ???????????
1024 issue price ?????????? ?????????
1025 issued capital ????????? ??????????? ????????
1026 issuer ????????
1027 it is not off-set against technical provisions ??? ?? ???????? ??? ??????? ??? ?????. ?????????
1028 joint stock company ??????????? ??????????
1029 Joint Surveillance Steering Committee ??????????????? ???????????????? ???????? ??? ??????????? ?? ???????? ??? ???????
1030 jointly and severally ??????? ?? ??????????
1031 joint-venture ?????????? ????????????? ????????????
1032 judical system ???????? ????????
1033 juristic person; corporate body ??????????? ?????
1034 justified claim ???????????? ????
1035 keeping a commercial register ??????? ??? ?????????? ?????????
1036 labor cost ????? ??? ?????????? ?????
1037 labour accident ???????? ??????????
1038 labour cost ????? ??? ?????????? ?????
1039 labour dispute ??????? ?????
1040 Labour Legislation ???????? ????????????????
1041 lands, forests and perennials ?????, ????? ?? ??????? ???????????
1042 lapse ??????????? ??? ??????
1043 lapse premium ????????, ???????????, ?????????? ???????
1044 large scale construction ?????????? ?????????????
1045 last-in, first-out (value of outflow of stocks) ????????? ????????, ?????? ????????? ????? (?????????????)
1046 Law on registered pledges ??????? ??? ???????? ??????? (??????)
1047 Law on Securities, Stock Exchange and Investment Companies ??????? ??? ???????? ??????, ?????????? ?????? ?? ???????????????? ??????????
1048 law suit ???????? ?????
1049 lay a claim against/bring a suit against ????????? ?????
1050 lead manager on the assignment ???????????? ??? ????????????
1051 lead partner ?????? ??????????
1052 leasehold improvements ??????????? ??? ?????? ???????
1053 ledger ?????????
1054 legal costs ???????? ?????????
1055 legal expenses insurance ???????????? ??? ??????? ????????? (??????? ???????)
1056 legal grounds ??????? ??????????
1057 legal proceedings ???????? ?????????????
1058 legal tender ???????? ????????? ?????????
1059 legal value ???????????????? ?????
1060 legalize; legitimate; legitimize ???????????; ????????????; ????????????
1061 legatee ??????????, ??? ??????? ?? ????????? ??????????
1062 legitimacy ??????????????????
1063 legitimacy and expedience ?????????????????? ?? ????????????????
1064 letter of credit ??????????
1065 letters of credit in Bulgarian leva ??????????? ?? ???????
1066 letters of credit in foreign currencies ??????????? ???? ???????
1067 level of cumulative index for the yearend ???????? ???????????? ??????? ?? ???????????
1068 leverage/gearing ?????????????
1069 liabilities not connected with the business activities ?????????? ??????? ??????????? ?? ?????????? ???????
1070 liabilities not related to the business activities ?????????? ???????, ??????????? ?? ?????????? ???????
1071 liabilities under repurchase agreements ??????????? ??? ????????????? ??? ???????? ???????????
1072 liability for damages ???????? ????????????
1073 liability for damages caused by ?? ???????????? ??? ?????? ?????????? ??? ??
1074 liability for losses and damages ???????????? ??? ?????? ?? ????????
1075 life insurance ???????????? ?????? (??????????????????)
1076 life insurance provisions ?????????????????????? ???????
1077 limitation ????????
1078 limitation of actions ???????????? ????????
1079 limitation time periods ?????????? ????????
1080 limited liability company ?????????? ?? ??????????? ???????????? (??????)
1081 limited partnership ??????????? ??????????
1082 limited real rights on immovable property (real estate) ??????????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ?????????? ????????????
1083 liquidation expenses ???????? ??? ???????????
1084 list of new loans granted ??????? ??? ????? ?????????? ????????
1085 listings ??????????
1086 litigant ??????? ??? ???????? ?????
1087 litigation ???????? ????????
1088 litigations and writs ???????? ?? ???????e??? ?????????
1089 livestock ?????? ???????? ?? ???????? ??? ?????????
1090 loan book/loan portfolio ????????? ?????????
1091 loan files ????????? ????????
1092 loan loss provision ????????? ??? ???????????? ????????
1093 loan loss provisions and other provisions (charge)/release ??????????/??????????? ????????? ??? ??????? ??? ???????? ?? ?????? ?????????
1094 loan substitute ????????? ???????????
1095 loans (classification): 1) Pass; 2) Watch; 3) Substandard; 4) Doubtful; 5) Loss ???????? (?????????????): 1) ????????; 2) ???? ???????????; 3) ??????????; 4) ???????????; 5) ???????
1096 loans and advances to customers ????????? ??? ??????? ?? ???????? ??? ????????
1097 loans and advances to other customers ????????????? ???????? ?? ??????? ??? ????????
1098 loans are returned to the accrual basis ?????????????? ??? ?????? ??? ?????????? ??? ????????????
1099 loans denominated in leva/foreigh currency ?????????? ????????????? ?? ?????/???????
1100 loans extended to third parties ??????, ????????????? ??? ?????? ?????
1101 loans for export of goods ????????????? ?????? ??? ?????? ??? ??????????? ???????
1102 loans for government-funded export ????????????? ?????? ??? ??????, ?????????? ?? ?????????????? ???????
1103 loans for purchase of foreign currency ????????????? ?????? ??? ??????????? ??? ???????
1104 loans in Bulgarian leva ????????????? ?????? ??? ?????? ?? ???????
1105 loans in foreign currency ????????????? ?????? ??? ?????? ???? ???????
1106 loans past due; loans overdue ??????????? ????????
1107 loans received (borrowings) ????????? ??????
1108 loans repaid ????????? ??????/????????
1109 loans to enterprises for import of goods ????????????? ?????? ??? ????? ??? ??????????? ???????
1110 loans to enterprises for working capital ????????????? ?????? ??? ??????? ??????
1111 loans to individuals ????????????? ?????? ??? ?????????
1112 loans to individuals for current needs ????????????? ?????? ??? ????????? ??? ??????? ??????
1113 loans to private farms ????????????? ?????? ??? ????????? ??? ?????????? ???????????
1114 loans to related parties ???????? ??? ????????? ?????
1115 loas to the State Budget ????????????? ?????? ??? ????????
1116 local correspondents ???????? ?? ??????? ??????????????
1117 local currency returns ?????????????? ?? ??????????? ???????
1118 lodge/make a complaint against s.o. with the court ???????? ?????? ?? ?????
1119 long-term amounts payable ???????????? ???????????
1120 long-term business provisions ??????? ??? ???????????? ?????????????
1121 long-term financial assets ?????????? ???????????? ???????
1122 long-term investments in related enterprises and minority participation ???????????? ??????????? ?? ??????????? ???????????? ?? ????????????? ????????
1123 long-term investments in subsidiaries ???????????? ??????????? ?? ???????? ????????????
1124 long-term loans ???????????? ??????
1125 long-term loans ????????? ???????????? ??????
1126 long-term loans in Bulgarian leva ????????????? ???????????? ?????? ?? ???????
1127 long-term loans in foreign currency ????????????? ???????????? ?????? ???? ???????
1128 long-term technical reserves ???????????? ??????????? ????????
1129 long-term treasury bonds (ZUNK) ???????????? ??????? ?????????? ??? ????????
1130 loss ???????
1131 loss development ?????????? ??? ??????? ??? ?????????
1132 loss not covered ?????????? ???????
1133 loss reserve ??????? ??? ??????? ?????
1134 losses arising as a result of dealing in foreign currencies ???????? ??? ???????? ?????????
1135 losses arising as a result of dealing securities ???????? ??? ????????? ?? ???????????
1136 losses on investments in securities ???????????? ???????? ??? ?????? ??????
1137 losses paid ???????? ?????
1138 lost by limitation ????????? ??? ???????? ????????
1139 low value items ?????????? ?? ???????????
1140 machines and equipment ???????, ??????????? ?? ???????????
1141 main activities (core function) ???????? ????????
1142 main heading ???????? ?????????
1143 maintain ??????????
1144 maintain accounting records ????? ?????????????
1145 major repairs ???????? ???????
1146 majority participation ??????????? ????????
1147 make demands ??????????? ??????????
1148 management buy out team/company ?????????????-???????????? ??????????
1149 Management Consultancy ????????????? ?????????????
1150 Management Information System (MIS) ????????????? ?????????????? ????????
1151 management letter ?????? ??? ??????????????
1152 management of securities ??????????? ??? ?????? ??????
1153 management representation letter ??????????????? ?????? ??? ??????????????
1154 Managing Partner ???????????? ??????????
1155 mandate ???????? ??? ????????
1156 manner of evaluation ?????? ??? ???????
1157 manufacturing ?????????????
1158 manufacturing company; business enterprise ??????????????? ????????????
1159 manufacturing equipment ??????????????? ???????????
1160 margin accounts ?????????, ??? ?????? ??? ???????? ?????????????? ?? ????????????? ??? ??????????
1161 mark up ??????????, ?????????? ?????????
1162 market value ???????? ?????????; ???????? ?????
1163 market value below cost ???????? ????? ???? ???????????????
1164 market watch ??????????? ?? ???????? ??? ???????
1165 marketable ????????
1166 marketable equity securities ??????, ??????? ??? ?????????? ??? ?????????? ??????
1167 marketable securities ???????? ?????? ??????
1168 marriage insurance ?????????? ????????????
1169 mass of insolvency ????? ??? ????????????????
1170 Mass Privatization Auction Center ???????? ???????? ???? ???????? ??? ??????? ?????????????
1171 matching concept ????????? ?? ??????????? ???????
1172 matching of ????????????? ?????? ???????? ?? ????????
1173 material and value expression ?????????? ?? ??????????? ??????????
1174 material expenses ???????? ??? ?????????? ?? ??????? ???????
1175 material interest ??????????? ???????? (???? ???????????? ???????), ????? ??? ??????
1176 material respects ??????????? ????????
1177 materiality ?????????????
1178 materials for reprocessing ?????????? ??? ???????????
1179 materials, finished goods and goods for sale ??????????, ?????????? ?? ??????
1180 mathematical (premium) provisions for life insurance ?????????????? (?????????) ???????? ??? ???????????????????
1181 maturing goods ?????? ??? ???????????
1182 maturity ladder ???????? ????????
1183 maturity period ??????
1184 measuring unit ?????? ????????
1185 medium term deals ????????????? ???????
1186 merchant ?????????
1187 merger (consolidation) ????????
1188 merger and acquisition ???????? ?? ????????/????????????
1189 mineral deposits ?????? ???????
1190 minority interest ????????????? ????????
1191 minority interest in consolidated subsidiaries ???????????? ???? ?? ?????????????? ???????? ??????
1192 miscellaneous expenses ?????? ????????
1193 mitigate ??????????, ???????????
1194 modular software structure ???????? ?????????? ??? ?????????
1195 monetary deposit ???????? ?????
1196 money capital ???????? ????????
1197 money in transfer ????? ??? ????
1198 money transferred ???????? ????????? ??? ????
1199 monthly instalment ???????? ???????
1200 mortality ??????????
1201 mortgage ????????
1202 mortgage encumbrance ????????? ???????
1203 motor own damage insurance ??????????
1204 motor vehicles ???????????? ?????????
1205 movements in the provisions for outstanding claims ???????????? ?? ???????? ??? ??????????? ?????????
1206 movements on bank accounts ????????? ??? ???????? ???????
1207 movements on reserves ?????????? ?? ??????????
1208 Municipal Committee ?????????? ??????
1209 municipal tax ?????? ??? ?????????
1210 municipality tax payable ???????? ?? ?????????
1211 mutual insurance co-operatives ??????????????????????? ???????????
1212 mutual insurances ???????? ????????????
1213 National Audit Office ???????? ???????
1214 National Chart of Accounts ???????????? ???????????
1215 National Electricity Company ??????
1216 necessary information ??????????? ?????????
1217 negative goodwill ???????????? (??????????) ??????????
1218 net assets ?????? ???????
1219 net book value ?????????? ?????????
1220 net capital worth ?????? ????????? ??? ?????????
1221 net cash flow from operating activities ?????? ???????? ??????? ??? ???????? ????????
1222 net current assets ?????? ????????????? ???????
1223 net financial expenses ?????????? ???????? ??????
1224 net gains from dealing in foreign currencies ?????? ???????????? ???????? ????????
1225 net interest margin ?????? ???????? ??? ??????
1226 net loss ???????, ??????
1227 net off balances of accounts payable and receivable ????????????? ??? ???????? ??? ??????????? ???????
1228 net profit ?????? ????????
1229 net profit before corporate income tax ?????? ???????? ?????? ?????? ????????
1230 net profit for the period ?????? ???????? ??? ????????
1231 net sales ?????? ???????? ??? ?????????
1232 net trade discounts ????????? ?? ?????????? ????????? (???? ?????????? ?????????)
1233 netting off with payments of a completely different nature ????????????? (?????????) ?? ????????? ??? ???????? ????????? ?????????
1234 new business insurance ???????????? ??? ????? ????????
1235 newly arise ??????????????
1236 no material legal actions initiated or pending against the company ????? ??????????? ??????? ????????? ????????? ??? ???? ?????? ????????
1237 non deductibles ????????, ???????????? ??????????? ?????????
1238 non privatized ??????????????
1239 non-attendance trading ?????????????? ?????????
1240 non-cash payment/cashless payment ?????????? ????????
1241 non-due principal ???????????? ?????????
1242 non-marketable equity securities ????????????? ??????????? ?????? ??????
1243 non-monetary ??????????
1244 non-performance ?????????????
1245 non-performing loan ???????????? ???????
1246 non-profit project/company ???????/?????????? ?? ???????? ????
1247 non-resident suppliers ????????????? ????? ???? ????????? ???? ?????? ?? ?????????
1248 non-serviced loans ???????????? ?????
1249 nostro accounts ??????? ???????
1250 not secured ????????????
1251 notary public ????????? ?????????
1252 notes to the financial statements ???????? ???? ???????????? ??????
1253 nullity of actions and transactions ?????????? ??? ????????? ?? ???????
1254 object oriented ???????? ????????????
1255 objects of taxation ??????? ??? ???????? ?????????
1256 obligation for notification ??????????? ??? ???????????
1257 obsolescence ???????? ??? ?????????
1258 obsolete ???????? ?????????
1259 obsolete assets ?????????? (???????? ?????????) ???????
1260 obsolete inventory ???????????? ???????? ???????????
1261 occupation (by occupation) ???????? (??? ????????)
1262 occupational decease ?????????????? ???????????
1263 off spring and growth of animals ????????? ?? ???????? ??? ????????
1264 off-balance sheet accounts ????????????? ???????
1265 off-balance sheet assets ????????????? ???????
1266 off-balance sheet commitments ????????????? ????????????
1267 off-balance sheet liabilities ????????????? ???????????
1268 official capital ????????? ????????
1269 offsetting ????????? (???????? ???????????)
1270 on accrual basis ??????? ????????? ??? ??????????????
1271 on the basis of ??? ??????? ???
1272 on-going ???????; ?????????; ?????????????, ??????????
1273 on-going accounting ??????? ?????????????
1274 on-line access mode ??????? ?? ??????? ??????
1275 open / known claims ???????? ?????
1276 open contract ??????????? ?????????? ???????? ?? ???????? ??????
1277 open systems client-server computing ????????? ???????? ??????? - ???????
1278 open-end investment company ?????????????? ?????????? ??? ???????? ????
1279 opening balance ???????? ??????
1280 opening balance sheet ???????? ???????
1281 opening position ???????? ?????? (?? ????????)
1282 opening/closing inventory ????????/??????? ?????????? ??? ????????????? ???????
1283 operating accounting system ?????????? ??????????? ????????
1284 operating expenses ???????? ??? ??????????/???????? ??? ???????? ????????
1285 operating income/operation revenu ???????? ??? ??????????/???????? ??? ???????? ????????
1286 operating profit (before underwriting expenses) ???????? ??? ?????????? (?????? ???????????????? ????????)
1287 operational and accounting policies ??????????? ?? ??????????? ?????????
1288 operational lease ???????????????? ???????
1289 opportunity ????????????? ???????????
1290 order log ??????? ??? ????????
1291 order of restriction ?????????? ??? ??????????
1292 ordinary deposit ?????????? ?????
1293 ordinary voting shares ??????????? ?????? ?? ?????? ??? ?????
1294 original capital ????????????? ????????
1295 original insurer ??????? (????? ?????????????)
1296 original maturity ????????????? ??????
1297 originate ?????????
1298 other assets and interest receivable ????????? ??? ?????? ?? ?????? ???????
1299 other creditors ?????? ???????????
1300 other creditors ?????? ??????????
1301 other debtors ?????? ?????????
1302 other expenses ?????? ????????
1303 other expenses ?????? ???????? ??? ???????? ????????????????
1304 other extraordinary expenses ?????? ??????????? ????????
1305 other extraordinary income ?????? ??????????? ????????
1306 other financial expenses ?????? ?????????? ????????
1307 other financial income ?????? ?????????? ????????
1308 other insurance expenses ?????? ???????????????? ????????
1309 other insurance revenue ?????? ???????????????? ????????
1310 other intangible fixed assets ?????? ???????????? ????????????? ???????
1311 other legislation ?????? ???????
1312 other loans ?????? ????????????? ?????? (???????? ???????)
1313 other loans and liabilities ?????? ?????? ?? ????????
1314 other operating income/(expense) ?????? ????????/(????????) ??? ??????????
1315 other payments and receipts ?????? ????????
1316 other relevant legislation ?????? ??????????? ??? ???????????? ????????????????
1317 other sales ???????? ??? ?????? ?????????
1318 other special provisions ?????? ?????????? ????????
1319 other state budget and government bodies accounts ?????? ???????? ?? ???????? ?? ??????????
1320 other tangible fixed assets ?????? ???????????? ??????????? ???????
1321 oustanding / overdue ??????????
1322 out of court settlement ????????????? ?????????????
1323 outflow (cash) for basic activity ????????? ??? ???????? ????????
1324 outflow of stocks ????????????? ??? ??????????? ???????
1325 outlay ?????????? ????????
1326 out-of-pocket expenses ?????? ??????????? ????????
1327 outsourced vendors ??????? ???????????
1328 outsourcing ??????? ????????????
1329 outsourcing company ??????? ???????????
1330 outstanding ???????????, ???????????
1331 outstanding arrears ???????????? /????????????/ ???????
1332 outstanding arrears of interest and principal ??????????? ?????? ?? ?????????
1333 outstanding balance ?????????? ??????
1334 outstanding claims provisios ???????? ??? ?????????? ??? ?????/??????? ??? ??????????? ????????? (?????????????)
1335 outstanding guarantees ????????? (?????????????) ?????????
1336 outstanding receivables ??????????? ?????????
1337 outstanding total amount ????? ???????????? ?????
1338 outward (insurance) ???????? ?????????????
1339 over the previous/prior year ?? ?????????? ?? ???????????? ???????
1340 overdrawn tax ?????????? ??????
1341 overdue ???????????, ??????????
1342 overdue bank loans payable ??????????? ??? ??????????? ???????? ??????
1343 overdue foreign currency loans to enterprises ?????? ??? ???????????? ???? ??????? ?? ??????????
1344 overdue interest/interest in arrears ?????? ???????????
1345 overdue loans ??????????? ??????
1346 overdue loans to individuals ?????? ??? ????????? ?? ??????????
1347 overdue payments ??????????? ?????????
1348 overdue short-term loans ????????????? ?????? ?? ??????????
1349 overheads ????????????? ????????
1350 overindebtedness ??????????????????
1351 overinsurance ????????????????
1352 override ???????? (????????)
1353 overrun ??????????
1354 overstating ???????????
1355 over-the-counter securities market ???????????? ?????????? ??????
1356 overview ??????????
1357 own chart of accounts ????????????? ???????????
1358 own debenture bonds purchased back ????????? ?????????? ??????????
1359 own debentures bought back ????????? ?????????? ??????????
1360 own financial statement ?????????????? ??????????? ??????
1361 own shares bought/purchased  back ????????? ?????????? ??????
1362 owner's account ??????? ??? ????????????
1363 owner's equity ????????? ????????
1364 packaging materials ?????????? ??????????
1365 paid-in (paid-up) capital ?????????? ????? ??? ??????????? ????????; ??????? ????????
1366 panel ??????? ?????
1367 panellist ?????????? ??/??? ??????? ?????
1368 par value ????????
1369 par value of share (also: face value; nominal value) ?????????? ????????? ??? ??????
1370 partial destruction ????????? ?????????
1371 participating interest; participations ??????????
1372 partition ?????? (?????. ?????)
1373 partnership limited by shares ??????????? ?????????? ?? ??????
1374 patents, licenses, concessions, knowhow, trademarks ????????, ?????????, ?????????, ????-????, ???????? (??????????) ??????
1375 pawned stock ???????????? ??????
1376 pay a token 1 USD ?????????/?????? ??? 1 ??????
1377 pay in addition ??????????
1378 payable to the budget ??????????? ???? ????????
1379 payables due ???????? ??? ??????????? ????????
1380 payables for participating interests ??????????? ??? ??????????
1381 payables of commercial credits received ??????????? ??? ????????? ?????????? ??????
1382 payables related to participation investments ???????????, ????????? ?? ????????
1383 payables/creditors ???????????
1384 payment ????????
1385 payment of premium ???????? ??? ?????????
1386 payment order ???????? ??????????
1387 payment system ????????? ????????
1388 payments ????????? ???????? (??-??? ????????)
1389 payments made by DSK ????????? ???????? ??? ??????
1390 payroll ??????????? ?????????
1391 payroll costs ???????? ??? ???????? ??? ??????????
1392 PC desktop ????????? ?????????
1393 penalties received ???????? ??? ??????????
1394 penalty ??????????
1395 penalty interest ???????????? ??????
1396 pending amount ????????????/???????? ?????
1397 pending claims ??????? ?????????????
1398 pending litigation ????????????? ???????? ?????
1399 pending payment ??????? ?????????
1400 pension fund balances ????????? ??? ?????????? ????????/?????????? ?????????
1401 pension reserves ?????????? ????????
1402 performance ???????????
1403 performance bonds ????????? ??? ???????????
1404 performing loans ??????????? ????????
1405 performing principle ???????? ?????
1406 period of delay ????? ??? ???????
1407 period of intended reliance ???????????? ?????
1408 permanent differences ?????????? ????????
1409 permanent diminution of the value of each investment ??????? ????????????? ??? ??????????? ??? ?????????????
1410 permanent fall in value ?????????? ??????????? ??? ????????????
1411 permanent funds of State Budget financed enterprises ???????? ?? ??????????? ????????????
1412 personal income taxes ???????? ??? ??????? ?????? ??????? ??? ?????????? ?????
1413 personnel costs ????????
1414 pervasive loss of audit trail ??????????? ????????????? ???/???? ???????????????? ??? ??????
1415 petition ??????????
1416 petitioner ????????
1417 petty cash advances ??????????? ?? ????????????? ?????
1418 petty cash advances ??????????? ?????
1419 physical volume and value ?????????? ?? ??????????? ???????????
1420 place of management ?????? ??? ???????????
1421 placements ????????????? ????????
1422 placements with foreign banks ??????????? ?? ????????????? ??????
1423 placements with, loans and advances to banks ????????? ??? ??????, ????????????? ???????? ?? ???????? ??? ??????
1424 plaintiff ?????
1425 plan events ????????? ????????????
1426 planned budget ?????-???????
1427 plant and equipment ???????, ??????????? ?? ???????????
1428 plant and machinery ??????? ?? ???????????
1429 PLC /Public Limited Company/ ?????????? ?? ??????????? ????????????
1430 pledge ??????
1431 pledge agreement on receivable ????????????? ??? ?????? ???????? ????????
1432 pledged as collateral ????????? ????? ????????????
1433 policy acquisition costs ????????????? ???????? ??? ???????
1434 policy limit ??????? ??? ???????
1435 pooling of interest ?????? ??? ???????????? ??? ????????
1436 position of the bank ???????????? ????????? ??? ???????? (???.???? ???????)
1437 positive goodwill ???????????? ?????????? ??????????
1438 post to profit/income for the current year (reintegrate) ???????? ???? ??????? ??? ????????? ??????? (?????????????)
1439 postal order ????????? ??????
1440 posting accounts ?????????? ??? ???????
1441 potential losses arising from sale and purchase commitments ???????????? ??????? ??? ???????????, ????????? ?? ???????? ?? ?????????
1442 powers ???????????
1443 practically arisen ?????????? ???????????
1444 pre-defined user profile ?????????????? ??????????? ???????? ??? ????????????
1445 preferred shares ???????????????? ??????
1446 preliminary agreement ?????????????? ????????
1447 premium ?????????
1448 premium price ????? ???-??????? ??? ????????????
1449 premium provisions ???????? ???????
1450 premium received ??????????? ???????
1451 premium reserves ????????? ????????
1452 premiums written ????????? ???????
1453 prepaid expenses ??????
1454 prepayments ???????????? ???????
1455 pre-tax profit ??????????? ????????
1456 prevention of damages ???????????????? ??? ??????
1457 primary accounting documents ????????? ??????????? ??????????
1458 primary market ????????? ??????
1459 prime cost/product cost/cost ?????????????
1460 principal ?????????
1461 prior period losses ?????????? ??????? ??? ??????? ???????
1462 prior year retained loss ?????????? ??????? ??? ??????? ???????
1463 prior/preceding years ?????????? ???????
1464 priority of content over form ??????????? ??? ????????????? ????? ????????
1465 private notary ??????? ?????????
1466 pro rate method ??????????????? ??????
1467 proceedindg ?????????????????
1468 proceeds ????????????
1469 proceeds from issuance of shares ???????????? ??? ??????? ??? ??????
1470 proceeds from loan drawdawn ???????????? ??? ??????
1471 processing ??????????
1472 procurator ??????????
1473 product safety ???????????? ??? ????????
1474 production capacity (also: plant capacity, work capacity ) ??????????????? ????????
1475 production cost ?????????????
1476 production overheads ???????? ??????????????? ????????
1477 productive and draught animals ???????????? ?? ???????? ????????
1478 products ??????????
1479 products from development activities ????????? ??? ????????? ????????
1480 products in safekeeping ?????????? ??? ?????????? ???????
1481 products in store ?????????? ??? ??????
1482 products on consignment ?????????? ??? ????????????
1483 professional secrecy ????????? ??????
1484 profit and loss account ?????? ??? ?????????? ?? ??????????; ??????? ?????????? ??????????
1485 profit and loss at insolvency and liquidation ????????? ???? ???????????????? ?? ???????????
1486 profit before taxation ???????? ?????? ???????
1487 profit on disposals of tangible assets ???????? ??? ????????? ??? ??????????? ???????
1488 profit on opeations (trading profit) ???????? ??? ?????????
1489 profit on sale of property ???????? ??? ????????? ??? ?????????? ??????
1490 profit tax ?????? ????????
1491 profit tax payable ???????? ??? ?????? ?????? ??????????
1492 profit/(loss) before taxation ????????/(???????) ?????? ???????
1493 proforma ?????????
1494 progress payments ??????????? ?????????? ??? ??????
1495 promisory note ?????? ??? ????????
1496 promotional goods ???????? ??????????
1497 properties held for resale ???????????? ??? ????????????
1498 property company ?????? ??? ?????????? ??????
1499 property damage ???????????? ?????
1500 protocol of findings ???????????? ?????????
1501 prototypes, models, pilot intallations ????????, ???????, ??????? ???????????
1502 provision ???????????, ???????
1503 provision for incurred but not reported claims ??????? ??? ???????????, ??? ??????????? ?????
1504 provision for loan and loss ???????? ??? ????????? ??? ?????????? ??? ???????? ???????????
1505 provision for urgent and incidental expenses ??????? ??? ?????????? ?? ????????????? ????????
1506 provision made ?????????? ??? ?????????
1507 provisional / contingent billing ???????? ????????????
1508 provisions ???????????
1509 provisions accrued on receivables ?????????? ????????? ??? ?????????
1510 provisions accrued/allocated ?????????? ?????????
1511 provisions for liabilities and charges ??????? ??? ?????????? ??? ??????????? ?????????
1512 provisions for off-balance liabilities ????????? ??? ?????????? ??? ????????????? ????????????
1513 provisions for risk assets ????????? ??? ?????????? ??? ???????? ???????
1514 provisions for trade receivables ????????? ??? ????????? ??? ?????????
1515 prudence ?????????????? (??????????? ????????)
1516 public offering ????????? ???????????
1517 purchase cost ????? ??? ????????????; ?????????? ??????????? ????? (?????????????) ??? ?????????? ????????
1518 purchase ledger (purchases daybook) ????????? "???????? ??? ??????????" ??? ??????
1519 purchase recites ????????? ??? ????????
1520 purchases ?????????
1521 purport ????????????
1522 purpose of an accounting transaction ?????????? ??? ??????????? ??? ?????????? ?????????
1523 pursuant to ?????????; ??? ?????????? ???
1524 qualified opinion ?????????? ?? ????????
1525 qualify a report ?????????? ?????? ?? ??????????? ??? ???????
1526 quary ????????-???????????
1527 quick ratio ??????????? ??? ?????? ???????????
1528 quota (property) ???????? ????? (?????????? ??????????)
1529 raise up funds ???????? (????????)
1530 rationale ??????????
1531 ratios for asstes turnover ??????????? ??? ???????????? ??? ?????????
1532 ratios for dynamics ??????????? ??? ?????????
1533 ratios for efficiency ??????????? ??? ????????????
1534 ratios for financial and accounting analysis ??????????? ??? ??????????-??????????? ???????
1535 ratios for financial independence ??????????? ??? ?????????? ????????????
1536 ratios for liquidity ??????????? ??? ???????????
1537 ratios for profitability ??????????? ??? ?????????????
1538 ratios for receivables and payables ??????????? ??? ??????????? ?? ?????????????
1539 ratios for structure ??????????? ??? ??????????
1540 ratios for turnover of stocks ??????????? ??? ???????????? ??? ????????????? ???????
1541 raw materials ??????????, ?????????? ?? ??????
1542 raw materials and supplies ????????? ?? ??????????
1543 raw materials; stocks ??????????
1544 raw, direct and indirect material inputs (after deducting recyclable waste) and finished components ?????????? ??? ???????? ??? ??????????????? ?????????, ???????? ?? ????????????? ?????????? (????? ??????????? ??? ?????????????? ?????????) ?? ??????? ???????? ??? ??????????????
1545 real assets ??????? ???????
1546 real rate ????????????? ??????
1547 realize investment/profit ??????????? ???????????/????????
1548 realize profit ??????????? ????????
1549 realized revaluation reserve of fixed assets ??????????? ???????????? ??????? ??? ?????????? ??? ??????
1550 realized upon sale of securities ???????????? ??? ????????? ??? ?????? ??????
1551 reasonable assurance ??????????? ??????????
1552 reasonableness ????????????
1553 rebates ???????
1554 receipts ????????? ???????? (??-??? ????????)
1555 receipts in DSK ????????? ???????? ?? ??????
1556 receivable on litigation ???????? ????????
1557 receivables from banks ????????? ??? ??????
1558 receivables from employees related to mark-up of the cost of shortages ?????????, ????????? ?? ??????? ???????? ??? ?????? ?? ???????
1559 receivables from litigation ????????? ??? ???????? ????????
1560 receivables on investments in other businesses ?????????, ????????? ?? ????????
1561 receivables on subscribed shares ????????? ??? ????????? ??????? ???????
1562 receiver; trustee ???????
1563 recevables from participating interests ????????? ??? ??????????
1564 reclassification ????????????????
1565 reclassify ???????????????
1566 recognition ???????????
1567 recognize ???????? ?????
1568 recognize liability ?????????? ?????????????
1569 recognize the substance of transactions ??????????? ????????????? ??? ???????????? ?????????
1570 recognized on an accrual basis ?????????? ??? ??? ????????? ??? ??????????????
1571 recompute ??????????????
1572 reconcile the account ????????? ???????
1573 reconciliation ?????????
1574 record ????????
1575 record the payment ????????? ??? ??????????
1576 recourse action ???????? ????
1577 recoverable amount ????????????? ?????????
1578 recoverable timing differences ????????????? ???????? ????????? ????????
1579 recovered capital ??????????? ??? ?????????????????
1580 recovery ????????????
1581 redemption of loans ??????????? ??? ??????
1582 redemption of share capital ?????? ??? ??????????? ??? ??????????? ????????
1583 redemption of shares ???????? ??????????? ??? ??????
1584 redundances ?????????
1585 redundant capital ???????? ????????
1586 refer back a case ??????? ?????
1587 reference ???????????
1588 reference (information) ????????-???????????
1589 refinancing ??????????????
1590 refund of excise duties ??????????????? ??? ??????
1591 refundable taxes ??????? ??? ???????????????
1592 refute ?????????????
1593 registered capital ???????? ????????
1594 registered office ?????? (??? ??????????, ????????, ??? ?????????????)
1595 registered persons ????????????? ?????
1596 Registered Pledges Act ??????? ??? ?????????? ???????
1597 registered share ????????? ??????
1598 registers ?????????
1599 registration ?????????
1600 regular loan ?????????? ???????
1601 regulation ????????; ??????????; ??????????????
1602 regulations ?????????? ??? ???????
1603 regulative/statutory interest ????????? ??????
1604 regulatory base ??????????? ?????
1605 regulatory documents ??????????? ??????????
1606 reinsurance agents ???????? ?? ??????????????????
1607 reinsurance recoverable losses paid ?????????????? ??????????????????? ?????
1608 reintegrated provisions on currency cash and nostro ?????????????? ????????? ??? ???????? ????????? ?? ??????? ??????? ???? ???????
1609 reintegration of provisions into the profit ????????? ??? ????????? ???? ??????????
1610 related parties ????????? ?????
1611 related parties disclosures ????????????? ??? ????????? ?????
1612 related parties trade receivables ???????? ???? ????????? ????? ??? ?????????
1613 related parties transactions ??????? ?????? ????????? ?????
1614 related to assets/income ?????????? ?? ?????????/ ?? ??????????
1615 relative share ???????????? ????
1616 released ??????????????
1617 released loan loss provisions ??????????? ????????? ??? ??????? ??? ????????
1618 released reserves ??????????? ????????
1619 reliability ?????????????
1620 remedial ?????????????, ????????????? (?????????; ?????????)
1621 remittance ??????? ??? ?????, ???????, ?????????? ?????
1622 remittance advice ?????? ??? ??????? ???????
1623 render an opinion on the FS ????????? ??????? ???????? ???????????? ??????
1624 renegotiated ?????????????
1625 renewal premium ?????????? ???????
1626 reorganization plan ????? ??? ????????????
1627 repay ??????????
1628 repayment schedule ???????????? ?????
1629 repealed regulation ???????? ??????????
1630 replacement cost ????? ??? ???????????? ??????; ?????????? ??? ????????
1631 replacement price ????? ??? ????????? ??????
1632 report as liabilities ???????? ?? ???????
1633 Report on factual findings ???????? ??? ????????????
1634 report/state ????????
1635 report; reported ?????????; ?????????
1636 reported date ????? ??? ???????????? ??????
1637 reported item ???????? ??????
1638 reporting currency ???????? ???????
1639 representation letter ??????????????? ??????
1640 representative expenses ??????????????? ????????
1641 representatives stores ???????? ?????????
1642 repurchase agreement ???????? ??? ???????? ???????????
1643 request for proposal ??????? ??? ????????? ??? ???????
1644 required provisions ????????????? ?????????
1645 requirements ?????????? (??????????? ?? ????????)
1646 requisite of an accounting document ????????? ??? ??????????? ?????????
1647 resale of agricultural products ???????? ??? ????????? ??? ????????? ???????????????? ?????????????
1648 resale of goods for resale ???????? ??? ????????? ??? ??????
1649 research and development costs ????????? ??? ????????? ????????
1650 reselling in short-term ????????????? ?????????
1651 reserve fund ?????????/???????? ?????
1652 reserves ????????
1653 residual value ?????????? ?????????
1654 responsible to ?? ?????????? ????? ??
1655 restate ??????????????
1656 restated for any permanent diminution of the value of each investment ??????????? ?? ?????? ??????? ????????????? ??? ?????????? ??? ?????????????
1657 restated for the effects of hyperinflation ?????????????? ??? ??????? ??? ??????????????
1658 restatement of value ??????????
1659 restricted cash ?????????? ???????? ?????????
1660 restrictions: statutory, contractual, exchange control ????????????: ?????????, ??????????, ????????
1661 restructured ?????????????????
1662 restructuring of the loan by discounts with respect to the common conditions for extending loans ???????????? ??? ???????? ?? ????????? ??? ??????????? ???????? ??? ????????????
1663 restructuring, reduction, capitalization ?????????????????, ???????????, ???????????????
1664 results from joint operations ?????????? ??? ?????????? ????????
1665 results of operations ?????????? ??? ??????????
1666 retail sales ???????? ??? ????????? ??? ?????? ??? ???????
1667 retail trade ????????? ??? ???????
1668 retained earnings/profit ??????????????? ????????
1669 retained profit / loss ??????????????? ????????/???????
1670 retained reinsurance amounts ?????????? ???????? ??? ??????????????????
1671 retention of documents ???????????? ??? ??????????
1672 retroactively ?????? ?? ????? ???? ?????? ?????
1673 revaluation diffrences arising as a result of stolen property ??????? ???????? ??? ?????? ?? ???????
1674 revaluation reserve ???????????? ???????
1675 revaluation surplus ????????? ??? ??????????
1676 revaluation uplift ??????????? ??? ??????????
1677 revenue (income) accounts ??????? ??? ????????; ???????? ??? ?????????
1678 revenue from direct insurance ???????? ??? ?????? ?????????????
1679 revenue from insurance commissionsand fees ???????? ??? ???????????????? ?????????? ?? ??????
1680 revenue from insurance of previous years ???????? ??? ????????????? ??? ??????? ???????
1681 revenue from insurance premiums ???????? ??? ???????????????? ???????
1682 revenue from regresses ???????? ??? ????????
1683 revenue from releases insurance reserves ???????? ??? ??????????? ???????????????? ????????
1684 revenue grants ???????????? ??? ????????? ????????
1685 revenue recognition ??????????? ??? ????????
1686 reversal ???????????; ???????
1687 reverse ??????????
1688 reverse payment ??????? ??????????
1689 revocation of NAS ??????? ??? ??????
1690 revoke Bank's license ????????? ??? ??????? ???????
1691 revolving loans ????????????? ????????
1692 revolving underwriting facilities ?????????? ?? ???????????? ????????
1693 right of claim ??????? ??????
1694 right of use ?????? ??? ?????????
1695 right to buy off ?????? ??? ???????????
1696 risk (also: venture) capital ??????? ????????
1697 risk exposures ???????? ???????????
1698 risk-free collateral ??????????? ????????????
1699 risks excluded (insurance) ?????????? ???????? (?????????????)
1700 roll-down and forward ?? ???-?????? ?????
1701 roll-up and forward ?? ???-??????? ?????
1702 royalties ????????? ?? ???????????? ???????????????
1703 run on a midrange server ??????? ??? ???????-???????????
1704 safe custody ?????????? ???????
1705 safeguard ?????????, ???????, ?????????? ??????; ????????
1706 safety locking devices ????????? ??????????? ???????????
1707 safety vault ???????
1708 salable ???????????
1709 salaries and wages ???????? ??? ????????
1710 salaries, wages and other remuneration ???????? ??? ???????? ?? ?????? ???????????????
1711 sale and repurchase agreement ????????????? ??? ????????? ?? ??????? ??? ???????? ???????????
1712 sale at public auction with open bidding ????????? ??? ????????? ????? ?? ????? ??????????
1713 sale of finished products ???????? ??? ????????? ??? ??????????
1714 sale of services ???????? ??? ????????? ??? ???????
1715 sale on loss ????????? ??? ???????
1716 sales ???????? ??? ?????????
1717 sales of agricultural products ???????? ??? ????????? ??? ??????????????? ??????????
1718 sales of construction products ???????? ??? ????????? ??? ??????????? ??????????
1719 sales of imported goods ???????? ??? ????????? ??? ?????? ??? ?????
1720 sales of manufacturing products ???????? ??? ????????? ??? ??????????? ??????????
1721 sales of merchandise ????????? ??? ??????
1722 sales of transport services ???????? ??? ???????????? ???????
1723 sales register (sales daybook) ????????? "????????? ??? ???????????" ??? ??????
1724 sales representative ?????????? ????????????
1725 sales revenue ????????/???????? ??? ?????????
1726 scope of activity ???????? ??? ????????
1727 scope of work ??????? ??? ????????
1728 seat ?????????
1729 secondary accounting documents ????????? ??????????? ??????????
1730 securities ?????? ??????
1731 securities held for dealing purposes ?????? ?????? ?? ????????? ?????????
1732 security measures ?????????????? ??????
1733 self-employment insurance ????????????????
1734 self-produced materials ?????????? ?????????? ?????????????
1735 selling and distribution expenses ???????? ??? ????????? ??? ??????????
1736 semi-finished products ??????????????
1737 semi-finished products manufactured by the enterprise ?????????????? ?????????? ?????????????
1738 Senior Deputy Executive Managing Director ??????????? ??????? ????????????? ?????????
1739 separate detailed accounts ???????? ??????????? ?????????
1740 separation ?????????
1741 separation protocol ????????? ??? ?????????? (??? ??????? ?? ???????)
1742 sequential ???????????????
1743 serviceability ???????? ??? ?????????????
1744 set aside ????????
1745 set aside provisions; determine provisions ???????? ?????????
1746 set forth ?????????, ??????????, ????????, ?????????
1747 set off ?????????????, ???????????
1748 set up a claim against ????????? ????
1749 settlement ?????????
1750 settlement account ?????????? ???????
1751 settlement timing delay ??????????? ???????? ??? ??? ???????? ??? ??????????? ??? ???????? ???????????
1752 settlements falling due under contracts ????????? ??????????? ???/?? ????????????? ?? ???????????
1753 set-up ??????????
1754 share (also: stock, subscribed) capital ??????????? ???????? ??? ??????
1755 share capital paid in ??????? ???????? ????????
1756 share capital subscribed receivable ????????? ??? ????????? ??????? ???????
1757 share discount account ???????, ????????? ?? ??????????? ????????
1758 share premium ???????? ???????
1759 share premium account ???????, ????????? ?? ??????????? ????????
1760 shareholder's equity; own capital; shareholders' funds ????????? ????????
1762 shipment confirmation ????????????? ??? ???????????
1763 shop floor ????
1764 short-term foreign currency loans to enterprises ????????????? ????????????? ?????? ??? ???????????? ???? ???????
1765 short-term investments in securities ????????????? ??????????? ?? ?????? ??????
1766 short-term loans ????????????? ??????
1767 short-term loans ????????? ????????????? ??????
1768 short-term loans to enterprises ????????????? ????????????? ?????? ??? ????????????
1769 short-term marketable securities ????????????? ???????? ?????? ??????
1770 short-term receivables ????????????? ?????????
1771 sickness insurance ???????????? ???????????
1772 signatory states ???????????? ????????
1773 significant ????????
1774 significant adjustments ??????????? ??????????????
1775 significant deviations ??????????? ???????????
1776 significant influence ??????????? ????????
1777 significant interest ??????????? ????????
1778 significantly obsolete ??????????? ???????? ?????????
1779 single entry accounting ???????????? ??????????? ??????????
1780 single premium ??????????? ???????
1781 single trade joint-stock company ??????
1782 slow-moving stock ????????? ??????
1783 social security ???????? ??? ??????????? ????????????
1784 social security and welfare ???????? ??? ????????? ??????????? ?? ?????????
1785 social security and welfare allowance expenses ???????? ??? ????????? ??????????? ?? ?????????
1786 social security payable ??????????? ??? ??????????? ????????????
1787 software ?????????? ?????????
1788 sole proprietor; sole trader; self-employed entrepreneur ????
1789 sole signing authority on behalf of ?????????????? ?????? ??? ??????? ??? ?????? ???
1790 solvency ??????????????????
1791 solvent ????????????????
1792 source documents ????????? ??????????? ???????? ?????????
1793 special provision ???????? ???????????
1794 specific provisions ??????????? ?????????
1795 stable deposit base ????????? ?????????? ?????
1796 stake (on) ????????
1797 standard exposures ???????? ???????????
1798 standard loans ???????? ????????
1799 standard routings ??????????? ???????????
1800 stand-by letters of credit ??????-???? ??????????
1801 state and other public utilities ????????? ?? ?????? ?????????? ???????
1802 State Budget and extra budget revenue ????????? ?? ?????????????? ????????
1803 State Budget expenses ???????? ??? ?????????? ???????
1804 State Budget revenue ????????? ????????
1805 State Budget revenue for distribution ????????? ???????? ??? ??????????????
1806 state participation ????????? ????????
1807 State Savings Bank ??????
1808 stated at cost ??????? ??? ??? ????? ??? ????????????
1809 stated under equity method ???????????? ??? ??????? ??? ??????????? ????????
1810 statement expenditure ???????? ??? ????????
1811 statement of account ??????????? ??? ???????
1812 statement of claim ??????? ??????
1813 statement of operations ?????? ??? ???????? ?? ????????
1814 statute of limitation of tax liabilities ?????????? ????? (????????)
1815 statutory accounts ??????????? ?????? ??? ??????????? ??????????
1816 statutory audit ????? ??? ????????????? ??????????? ??????????
1817 statutory requirements ??????????? ??? ?????. ????????????????
1818 statutory reserves ????? ????????
1819 Steering Committee ?????????????? ??????
1820 stipulate ??????????, ???????? (?? ????????, ??????????? ?????????)
1821 stock of goods for resale ?????? ??? ?????? ??? ????????????
1822 stock price ????? ??? ????????
1823 stock stands high ??????? ??? ??????
1824 stock-in-trade ?????????? ??? ??????
1825 stocks ??????; ??????????; ???????? ???????????
1826 stocks, shares ??????
1827 stocktaking ???????????????
1828 stop-loss treaty ???????? ????????
1829 straight line amortization ??????? ?????? ??? ????????????
1830 straight-line basis ??????? ????????
1831 straight-line depreciation method ??????? ?????? ??? ????????????
1832 strive to participate ??????? ??? ??? ????????
1833 st??ady buildings ???????? ???????
1834 subdelegated legislation ???????????? ??????????? ???????
1835 sub-heading ????????????
1836 submission of bid/offer ?????????? ??? ????????????
1837 submit a case to court; initiate proceedings against s.o.; sue s.o. ????????? ?????
1838 subpara ??????
1839 subrogation ???????? ??? ???????????? ???????
1840 subrogation into the rights of the assured ?????????? ?? ???????? ??? ??????????????
1841 subscription insurance ???????????? ????????????
1842 subsequent ????? ??????????
1843 subsides and grants ???????? ??? ?????????????
1844 subsidiaries ???????? ??????; ??????????????; ????????
1845 subsidies ???????? ??? ???????????? ??? ???????????? ???????
1846 substance over form ??????????? ??? ????????????? ????? ????????
1847 substandard exposures ?????????? ???????????
1848 substantive ??????????????, ??????????; ??????????, ??????
1849 substantive ?????????????????
1850 sub-total ????????? ?????
1851 success fee ?????? ??? ???????? ???????
1852 succession in title ???????????????
1853 successor in title ??????????????
1854 sum insured ???????????????? ?????
1855 summarized account ??????????? ???????
1856 sundry debtors and creditors ?????? ????????? ?? ??????????
1857 sundry off-balance sheet asset accounts ?????? ???????? ????????????? ???????
1858 sundry off-balance sheet liability accounts ?????? ???????? ????????????? ???????
1859 supervisor ??????????
1860 supplementary information ????????????? ???????????
1861 supplier accounts and related accounts ??????????? ?? ????????? ?? ???? ???????
1862 suppliers of goods without a purchase invoice ??????????? ??? ?????????????? ?????????
1863 suppliers under special terms ??????????? ??? ????????? ???? ??????????? ????????
1864 suppliers under trade credit terms ??????????? ??? ?????????? ????????
1865 supplies from related parties ???????? ???? ????????? ????? ??? ?????????
1866 supply capital ????????? ???????????? ????????
1867 supporting source documents ????????? ??????????
1868 suretyship insurance ???????????? ??? ?????????
1869 surplaces of other valuables ????????? ??? ?????? ?????????
1870 surplaces of tangible fixed assets ????????? ??? ???????????? ???????
1871 surplus ??????????? (????????)
1872 surplus charge ?????????
1873 surpluses of inventories ????????? ??? ??????????? ???????
1874 surpluses of inventories and other valuables ????????? ??? ???????
1875 surrender value (insurance) ???????? ?????????
1876 surrenders ????????? ???????
1877 suspense account ??????????/????????? ???????
1878 suspense items ???????? ??? ??????????? (????????? ???????)
1879 suspension of interest accrual ???????????????? ?????????????? ??? ??????
1880 syllabus ?????????, ?????, ??????? ?????????
1881 synergies ????????????; ??????????, ??????????? ???????
1882 system controls ?????????? ????????
1883 system modules ????????? ???????
1884 take over ???????? (??????????)
1885 take stock of ?????? ???????????????
1886 tangible and intangible fixed assets not owned by the enterprise ?????? ???????????? ??????????? ?? ????????????? ???????
1887 tangible fixed assets ???????????? ??????????? ???????
1888 tangible fixed assets in progress ???????? ??? ???????????? ??? ???????????? ??????????? ???????
1889 targeting ?????
1890 targeting ???????????
1891 tax administration ???????? ??????????????
1892 tax and accounting legislation ???????? ?? ?????????? ???????
1893 tax assessment act ???????? ???????????? ????
1894 tax audit ???????? ????????
1895 tax base ???????? ???????
1896 tax concession ???????? ?????????; ????????? ??????
1897 tax credit ???????? ???????
1898 tax depreciation rate ???????? ??????????????? ??????
1899 tax division (tax office) ???????? ??????????????
1900 tax effect ???????? ?????? (???????? ????????? ????????)
1901 tax expenses ???????? ??? ??????
1902 tax liabilities ???????? ???????
1903 tax liable persons ???????? ?????????? ?????
1904 tax on profits/profits tax ?????? ?????? ??????????
1905 tax payer ???????? ?????????? ?????
1906 tax registration ???????? ????????????
1907 tax relating to extraordinary items ?????? ?????? ??????????? ???????
1908 tax release ?????????????? ??? ???????
1909 tax relief ???????? ???????????
1910 tax return ???????? ???????? ???????????
1911 tax savings ????????? ??? ??????
1912 tax subjects ???????? ????????
1913 taxable profit ?????????? ????????/???????? ???????
1914 taxable suppliers ?????????? ?????????
1915 taxation (charge)/release ???????? ???????/(???????)
1916 technical inspection ??????????????? ??? ??????
1917 temporary differences ????????? ????????
1918 temporary tax differences ???????? ??? ???????? ????????? ????????
1919 tender ????????
1920 term ?????
1921 term deposit ??????? ????????
1922 terminal usage ??????????? ??? ??????????
1923 terms of reference ????????
1924 territorial tax directorate ???????? ????????????? ?????????
1925 The bank has satisfactory title to all assets ???????? ???? ?????? ??? ???????????? ?????? ?????????
1926 The Company complies with all contractual agreements that could have material effect on the financial statements in the event of non-compliance ????????????? ??? ?? ??????????? ?? ??????? ???????? ??? ???????????, ????????????? ??? ?????? ??? ??? ????????? ??????????? ?????? ???????????? ??????
1927 The company does not perform any research and development activities ????????????? ??? ????????? ??????? ?? ????????? ????????
1928 the overall gross margin to sales ratio ??????????? ??? ????????? ???????? ???? ???????? ??? ?????????
1929 theft and other losses of assets ?????? ??? ???????
1930 there are no liens or encumbrances on the assets ?????? ????????? ????? ????????
1931 thin capitalization ?????? ??????????????
1932 third parties accounts ??????? ??? ????????
1933 third parties financial assets ?????? ?????????? ???????
1934 third parties inventories ?????? ??????????? ???????
1935 third party liability insurance ???????????? "???????????? ????????????"
1936 threshhold amount ????????? ?????
1937 through a permanent establishment ????? ?????? ??? ?????????? ????????
1938 time of payment ?????? ??? ????????
1939 timing differences ????????? ????????
1940 to the extent they are deemed collectable ??? ???????? ??? ???????? ????????????
1941 toll treatment ???????
1942 tolling agreement ???????? ??? ???????
1943 tort ???????????????
1944 total build-up area ??????????? ?????????? ?????
1945 total carrying amount ????? ???????? ?????????
1946 total equity ????? ????????
1947 total generated by operations ??????? ????????? ?? ????????? ??? ??????????
1948 trade creditors ??????????? ???? ???????????
1949 trade debtors/receivables ????????? ??? ?????????
1950 Trade investments are held to protect, facilitate or further support existing business or trading relations ?????????????? ??? ??????????? ?? ???? ????????????, ??????????? ???? ?????????????? ??? ????????????? ?????????? ???? ?????????? ????????????????
1951 trade name ?????????? ?????? (????)
1952 trade representative office ?????????? ?????????????????
1953 trade rival ?????????? ????????????
1954 trading time stamps ??????? ??? ????????????? ??? ????????? ???? ????????
1955 transaction ?????????? ?????????
1956 transaction team ????? ??? ?????????
1957 transactions with currency valuables ??????? ?? ???????? ?????????
1958 transcript (of the minutes) ??????? ??????????? (??? ?????????)
1959 transcripts ????????
1960 transfer ??????????
1961 transfer from reserves ?????????? ??? ????????
1962 transfer of profits ?????????????? ??? ??????????
1963 transfer of rights ???????????? ??? ??????
1964 transformation of enterprises ?????????????? ??? ????????????
1965 transformation of the financial statements ??????????????? ??? ???????????? ??????
1966 transitional and final provisions ????????? ?? ????????????? ???????????
1967 translate ??????????????
1968 translate in accordance with IAS ?????????? ?? ????????????? ?? ??????
1969 translation gains ???????????? ???????? ??? ???????????????
1970 transport and communications ?????????? ?? ??????????
1971 travel assistance ?????? ???? ?????????
1972 travel expenses ?????? ?????
1973 Treasury ?????? "????????????" (?? ??????)
1974 treasury bonds ????????? ?????? ??????
1975 treasury stock ????????? ?????????? ??????
1976 treatement of financial statements ?????????? ??? ??????????? ??????
1977 trial balance ????????? ????????? (????? ?????: ?????????; ??????????? ??????; ?????? ??????)
1978 tripartite ??????????? ????????
1979 true and fair picture ?????? ?? ??????? ????????????
1980 trustees; suppliers under commissioned  or consignment sale ???????????
1981 truthfulness ?????????????
1982 try a case ??????? ?????
1983 turnover ????????????
1984 twinning (agreement) ?????????????? ??? ??????
1985 two-tier ???????????? ?????? ??? ???????????
1986 types of taxes ??????? ???????
1987 ultimately ?? ?????? ???????
1988 unacceptable ????????????
1989 unamortized sum ??????????????? ?????
1990 unappropriated profit ??????????????? ????????
1991 uncalled capital ???????????? ????? ??? ??????????? ????????
1992 unchallengeable receivables ??????????? ????????
1993 uncollectable claim ???????????? ????????
1994 uncondtional claim ??????????? ????????
1995 unconsolidated subsidiaries ???????????????? ???????? ??????????
1996 under article ??? ??????
1997 under equity method ??? ??????? ??? ??????????? ????????
1998 under receivership ???? ??????? ???????
1999 under the purchase method ??? ??????? ??? ????????-???????????
2000 under toll agreement ??? ???????
2001 underinsurance ????????????????
2002 underlying ????????, ???????????, ?????????? ?? ????????? ???
2003 undertaking ????????????
2004 underwriting expenses ???????????????? ????????
2005 undistributed prior (year) period profit ?????????????? ???????? ??? ??????? ???????
2006 undistributed profit ??????????????? ????????
2007 unearned premium provision ???????-???????? ???????
2008 unemployment fund ????? ?????????????? ????????????? ?? ????????????
2009 unified registration number ??????
2010 unincorporated partnerships ?????????????????? ??????????
2011 unit of production ??????????????? ????????
2012 unmatched maturities ????????????? ??? ?????????
2013 unmerited gain ?????????????? ?????????????
2014 unqualified opinion ?????????? ??????? ???? ?????????????
2015 unquoted securities ??????????? ?????? ??????
2016 unreconciled items ???????????? ?? ??????????? ????? ??? ????????
2017 unrecoverability of loans ???????????????? ??? ????????
2018 unrecoverable loans ???????????? ??????
2019 unregistered persons ??????????????? ?????
2020 unremitted part of those earnings ???????????? ????? ??? ????? ????????
2021 unrevocable VAT ?????? ???? ?????? ??? ???????? ???????
2022 unserviced loans ????????????? ????????
2023 unutilized part of the loan ?????????? ????? ??? ????????
2024 upgrade of assets ??????????? ??? ?????????
2025 upon receipt ???? ???????????
2026 USAID ????????? ??? ?????? ??? ????????????? ?????????
2027 valid insurance ?????????? ????????????
2028 value added tax ???????? ??? ?????? ?????? ??????????? ?????????
2029 value date ???????
2030 valuer ?????????
2031 VAT recoverable ?????? ??? ???????????????
2032 vehicles ???????????? ?????????
2033 vendor ??????????
2034 verifying ????????
2035 versus party ????????? ???????
2036 vest (to vest rights in sb, to vest sb with rights) ??????, ????????? (?????? ???)
2037 viability ????????????????
2038 viable ????????? (?????)
2039 voidability of incorporated company ????????????????? ??? ????????? ??????????
2040 wages and salaries ???????? ?? ???????????????
2041 wages and salaries payable ??????????? ???? ??????????
2042 WAN ??????
2043 warehouse warrant ???????? ??????
2044 warehousing ???????? ???????
2045 warranties ????????
2046 watch ???????? ??? ??????????? ??? ??????? (??????)
2047 watch exposures ??????????? ???? ???????????
2048 weight factor ????????? ??????????
2049 weighted average ??????? ???????????
2050 weighted average cost for the reported period ??????? ??????????? ????? (?????????????) ??? ????????? ???????
2051 well performing loans ???????? ????????
2052 wholesale ???????? ??? ????????? ??? ?????? ??? ?????
2053 wholesale trade ????????? ??? ?????
2054 whole-sale warehouses ????????? ??? ?????
2055 wire payment ?????????? ????????
2056 wire transfers ??????????? ????????
2057 withholding tax ?????? ??? ?????????
2058 within the meaning of this regulation/law ??? ???????? ??? ????? ????????/??????
2059 without prejudice ???? ?????? ??? ???????? ???? ?????????? ??? ???????
2060 without prejudice to the solution of the question ???? ??? ??? ??????????? ?????????, ???? ????? ??? ?????? ??? ?????????????? ??? ????????
2061 without qualified opinion ???? ????????
2062 work in progress ???????????? ?????????????
2063 work paper ???????? ??????????
2064 working (also:current, circulating, floating, fluid, productive, rolling  ) capital ????????? ????????
2065 working capital ????????? ?????????; ????????? ????????
2066 workstation ???????? ????????
2067 writ of execution ????????????? ?????
2068 write down of investments ?????????? ??? ???????????
2069 write-offs for bad debts ?????????? ??? ???????????? ?????????
2070 writs ?????????? ?????????
2071 written insurance ????????? ????????????
2072 written procedures ???????? ??????????
2073 year end monetary rates ???????? ???????? ?? ????? ??? ?????????
2074 youg and fattening live stock ?????? ???????? ?? ???????? ??? ?????????

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