




STEVE BRADSHAW: Imagine a land in which ideal love is a reality and ideal sex; simultaneous climax

between a loving couple, and in this land all couples are married. No barriers to perfect self-giving; no

barriers to childbirth; no condoms, IUDs or pills. Abortion is illegal too. This land does not exist, but these

ideals do in the work and thought of Karol Wojtyla, now Pope John Paul II. This is a film about what

happens when those ideals clash with reality.

This is the story of two school girls in Latin America, raped by their father and given no choice but to have

his children. It is the story of Catholic nuns in Africa telling people with AIDS not to use condoms because

they have holes in them. And in Asia, it's the story of a mother of 9 who daren't use contraception. The

Catholic church says it's wrong. They're all lives affected by the beliefs of John Paul II who this week in

the holy city of Rome celebrates 25 years as leader of the world's billion Catholics. Although frail, he is

still leading a campaign against contraception and abortion that has inspired both gratitude and hostility.

Tonight we investigate how the man who idealised women came to be accused of promoting beliefs that

can ruin lives.

Welcome to Mulukuku, remote town in the heart of Nicaragua. Like other Latin American countries,

overwhelmingly Catholic. This is a macho country of often distorted sexual values, where official

estimates suggest one in three women has been physically or sexually abused, and where age and close

relationships are sometimes no barrier to abuse. We met four school girls, all left with babies after being

abused or abandoned. In Catholic Nicaragua abortions or interruptions are almost impossible to obtain

within the law. The Catholic Church believes destroying any life, even a fertilised egg, is immoral. The

girls had no choice but to carry their children to term. Sarai says she was made pregnant by her stepfather,

now on the run after rape charges. She's just 14.

Did you think of completing the pregnancy? Did you think of having an interruption?

SARAI: Yes, I thought of having one. I thought of terminating the pregnancy.

BRADSHAW: Miriam is heavily pregnant by a young man who has abandoned her. She already has two

other children by him.

MIRIAM: My opinion on abortion? Well some people say it's bad because you lose your child. But my

opinion is that it's better not to do it because terminating a pregnancy is a sin.

BRADSHAW: Francisca and Lucila are sisters, they're 15 and 16. Both had small babies after their father

raped them. He is now in jail.

LUCILA: I got pregnant by the father but I was ashamed that it was my own father who got me pregnant.

Afterwards I had to stay like that until I had it and I'm ashamed. The baby is here now.

FRANCISCA: They threw me out of the house, my father and mother, and everyone made things difficult

for me. So I had to bring my child here.

BRADSHAW: Did you think of having an interruption or not?


LUCILA: Me too.

BRADSHAW: We met the girls in a woman's health clinic run by Dorothy Granada. She says such cases

are not unusual. Sometimes pregnant girls who can't get abortions are even younger.

So when you come across a girl 12 or 13 or 14 whose having to carry her father's child to term?.?


Mulukuku Women's Clinic

It's very awful. It's very terrible. It's very terrible. We cry a lot in this clinic.

BRADSHAW: Some men, Dorothy Granada says, take more care of their cattle than their women. And

she says some pregnant women get a raw deal from the state too. Although they can apply to have legal

abortions if their lives are in danger, few succeed. At the start of the Pope's rein about 100 women a year

got permission for these so-called therapeutic abortions but church pressure has cut that number close to


GRANADA: The therapeutic abortion simply does not work in this country, and that's because I believe

the threats of the Roman Catholic hierarchy and physicians are simply afraid to exercise their right.

BRADSHAW: The Catholic Church in Nicaragua goes back almost 500 years. Cardinal Obando Y Bravo

has wielded the power of the church here for over three decades. He's just helped persuade the government

to pulp copies of a sex education guide that mentioned abortion and contraception. As a political player,

press and cabinet ministers hang on his words, today about Nicaraguan troops in Iraq. The Cardinal told us

he couldn't see why it should ever be unsafe for a young girl to deliver children.


Archbishop of Managua

Well there is a case, something that happened in El Salvador if my memory serves me rightly, of a child

aged 9 who gave birth without harming the child ? meaning the mother ? and without damage to the baby

she'd conceived. So in this light, it's not the norm for a child of 9 years to give birth, but if this child had eh

misfortune to be raped by someone and then became pregnant, it's always possible, according to doctors

who are experts in this field, to save both lives.

But earlier this year one family took the cardinal on, provoking a national row that split Nicaragua and

capture the headlines for months. Maria and Francisco's daughter, Rosa, not her real name, had been raped

and was pregnant. At the time she was just 8. When we met in the capital Managua, Francisco and Maria,

both Catholics, told me why they decided to seek an abortion for Rosa, despite the opposition of the church.


Rosa's mother

She wasn't like someone who's body is capable of surviving pregnancy when they become pregnant. She

would never have been able to get to that stage because she was? a child, let's face it. So we had the

pregnancy terminated because she didn't want to die.

BRADSHAW: As the church protested and lawyers argued, Rosa's parents took her for a clandestine

abortion. While many non-Catholics are opposed to abortion too, it was the Catholic Church that lead the

protests. It says Ross' parents and doctors have excommunicated themselves, risking damnation. Rosa

though is excused, she's still only 9.

Cardinal OBANDO: There is a church law, Canon 13.98, which states that if anyone commits an act of

abortion and the abortion actually takes place, that person then falls ipso facto under the ban of



Rosa's father

Well I did feel very bad about what the church was thinking, and then I said to hell with the church. I don?t

want to have anything to do with the ministers or priests in the church, I don?t want to know.

MARIA: I'm not interested in what the Cardinal says, in what he says or does not say about us, or about

this. He doesn't have the right because only God can excommunicate us. I seem to remember that there is

only one son of God on earth, not two.

BRADSHAW: Defeat, this time, for the Cardinal. For many in Nicaragua Rosa's parents have become

heroes, an ordinary couple defying the church and making a stand for women's rights. Others in Nicaragua

are also defying the ban on abortion. Welcome to the world of the guerrilla abortionist. We visited this

underground abortion clinic run by women doctors. It's relatively safe, absolutely illegal. To avoid up to

10 years in jail, the doctor is wearing a mask.

Underground abortion doctor

We only discuss it in a very secret way because for women this is an illegal procedure, and we doctors

could be put in prison for it without a doubt.

BRADSHAW: It's thought there could be as many as 60,000 illegal abortions in Nicaragua every year.

DOCTOR: These are women who have absolutely nowhere else to turn to economically speaking. Women

who have been abused; women who have no access to any kind or method of contraception.

BRADSHAW: What would happen to the women and girls who come here if this clinic wasn't here?

DOCTOR: I think that if we did not exist, I think that there would be many more maternal fatalities, more

adolescent deaths.

BRADSHAW: Women who don?t make it to an underground clinic often end up in Managua's women's

hospital after botched back street abortions. It's estimated that up to one in four pregnancies in Latin

America end in illegal abortion, and that worldwide over 70,000 women die from illegal abortions every

year. In Rome the row over 9 year old Rosa's abortion was followed closely by the cardinal in charge of

promoting Vatican doctrine on the family.

Cardinal Obando in Nicaragua told us that he believes that if a 9 year old girl is pregnant she should not

have an abortion. Is that the position of the Vatican?


Pontifical Council for the Family

I have followed these events personally. I am writing to the Cardinal personally to express to him in all

sincerity my support because public opinion was quite confused with regard to that case. It did not spare a

thought to defending the rights of unborn babies who are people who have a right to live. The church

wanted to help this young girl, who she'd have been helped up until the birth of her child. But it also came

out and stated the truth. And the truth is that human life is inviolable.

BRADSHAW: But trying to stop all abortions is just one way the Vatican is trying to impose its sexual

values across the world. It's a campaign that draws passion and motivation from the Pope from Poland,

John Paul II, and a vision of womanhood rooted in his personal history. In Kalwaria, close to the Pope's

home town. They're setting off on a burial, the burial of the Virgin Mary. 74 years ago, this ceremony

helped shape the Pope's vision of womanhood. The effigy, carried miles to its final resting place. Out of

devotion to the ultimate mother. For John Paul, the virgin was to be the image of the ideal woman, a

mother to all, and to him when, aged 8, he lost his own mother.


Guardian of Kalwaria Shrine

When the Pope's mother died, and one day his father took him here to Kalwaria and he pointed to the shire

of our lady, to the picture of our lady of Kalwaria and he said Karol, from now on, she will be your mother,

and he took it so seriously. He came here and he talked to her like he was talk to his earthly mum.

BRADSHAW: John Paul's thought and writing would be haunted by this image of perfect motherhood. As

a young priest Karol Wojtyla studied in Krakow, a city at once modern and medieval; critics say ? like his


He took a special interest in the philosophy of love, the family, marriage and sex. He gave friends and

students in his flock advice on relationships, like Karol Tarnowski here on the left with the young pope to



Friend of the Pope

His idea was to create an atmosphere of cooperation and of responsibility of boys towards girls, you know..

this kind of preparation to the marriage.

BRADSHAW: He helped bring couples together.


BRADSHAW: Couples how ended up being married.


BRADSHAW: Did they stay married?

TARNOWSKI: Yes, yes, of course yes.

BRADSHAW: These enduring marriages he'd help nurture were evidence to the future pope, that

Conservative and Catholic ideals of sex and love can work in reality. In 1960, now a bishop, he wrong and

astonishingly frank book about love and marriage. It suggested that for a married man and woman: "climax

must be reached in harmony" though he did add: "as far as possible." But although this was the age of the

pill, Wojtyla also condemned contraception, pills, IUDs and condoms: "All immoral he said. All harmful

for the health." Incredibly as it now seems, the Vatican almost endorsed the pill in the 60s, after all, there

was no explicit ban on contraction in the Bible. But the then Pope, Paul VIth, received a gift from

Krakow's Karol Wojtyla, a report attacking contraception and promoting natural family planning. The

dismay of liberal Catholics, Pope Paul VIth using arguments Wojtyla had advocated, reaffirmed the ban on

contraception. Karol Wojtyla, who'd been made Cardinal by a grateful Paul VIth, had stood against the tide

of Catholic opinion and won. And once elected Pope, 25 years ago this week, he would use his

extraordinary popularity to stand against the tide of world opinion, condemning contraction and the trend to

legalise abortion. But even among the married Polish couples, living the new Pope's dream of love and

responsibility, there were doubters. Karol Tarnowski and his wife, now with a family, were finding the ban

on contraception an obstacle of love and made an appeal to their friend.

And your argument and your wife's was, that sometimes, even among Catholics, artificial contraception can

help life.

TARNOWSKI: Yes, we share an which many Christians share of course. My wife wrote a long letter to

him and we discussed this is a separate discussion in the Vatican and she was very comprehensive, I mean

he understood very well our difficulties but he didn't think that he can change the principles.

BRADSHAW: The Pope suggested the couple could find another confessor, a perhaps painful reminder of

the Pope's unmovable convictions. As well as sympathetic doubters there have been harsh critics of John

Paul's vision of love and responsibility. On their view, he is a man who had never been close to a woman

and so fell victim not to ideals but to stereotypes. A vision of women always defined by their reproductive

powers -mother, wife, temptress. Perhaps the Pope's most powerful opponent for many years was Nafis

Sadik, former head of the United Nations Population Fund. She had a face to face meeting with the Pope in

1994 to discuss women's rights and church teaching.


Director, UN Population Fund


I was telling him that the judge could do more to educate men because I said the judge could really play a

very positive role, because many women became pregnant not because they wanted to but because their..

you know.. spouses imposed themselves on them. He said: "Don?t you think that the irresponsible

behaviour of men is caused by women?"

BRADSHAW: "Don?t you think the irresponsible behaviour of men is caused by women?"

SADIK: By women? yes.

BRADSHAW: Those were his words?

SADIK: Thos were his words, yes.

BRADSHAW: You came out of this one to one meeting with the Pope believing that the Pope's

understanding of the plight of women in poor countries was what?

SADIK: Was very inadequate. I mean he really didn't understand the situation of girls and women in spite

of the fact that he has travelled to so many countries.

BRADSHAW: The Vatican can point to the Pope's support since his days in Krakow for women's right to

equality, to work and to freedom from abuse. But his critics say his conservative views are having

consequences beyond the lives of individual women.

MetroManila, a 21st century Asian mega city of over 11 million people at the eastern front of the battle

between Catholic sexual ideals and the values of a globalised culture. We came here to the one Catholic

country in Asia to look at the effects of the Pope's teachings on contraception, affects his critics say you can

see in the streets. In the Philippines there are over 40,000 street kids, and yet there is often incredible

ignorance about birth control and some bizarre myths, for example, about the uses of Colegate.

CLAUDIA: When me and my boyfriend ran out of condoms he'd insist we used toothpaste as a

contraceptive. He told me it was Colegate. His friend's wife used toothpaste and he said she never got

pregnant. When we had sex I was so uneasy and uncomfortable because it felt spicy and hot, and it turned

out that I did get pregnant.

Call her Claudia, she already has one child and has lost another, all by the age of 14. We met in a clinic

started by women who want to provide better sex education and contraceptive services. Claudia wasn't the

only girl who'd used toothpaste for birth control.


Likhaan Women's Group

It is bizarre, but apparently, you know.. if the men are advising it to other men it's probably not just one

person though. I think the case of Claudia illustrates very strongly how much of a need there is in this

Catholic country for adolescence, sexuality and reproductive services.

BRADSHAW: Why is it particularly difficult in the Catholic country?

MELGAR: Well because even sexuality education is prohibited and even efforts to institutionalise sex

education and contraceptive care is being opposed very strongly by the Catholic Church.

BRADSHAW: There are already 80 million people in the Philippines and the people is expected to double

in three decades, yet the Catholic Church opposes contraception and wants to leave sex education largely to

families. Here even the statues of Christ seem to jostle for space. In the Philippines Congress some liberal

Catholics are defying the Church, urging a reluctant President to back a bill promoting sex education and


August 2003


Philippines Congresswoman

Mr Speaker, Your Honour, I feel that it would be best for President Arroyo to read and understand the

Reproductive Health Care Bills for himself rather than to listen and be alarmed by panicked Asians who are

blinded by their personal religious biases against a Reproductive Health Care law that is pro life and pro

choice as well.

BRADSHAW: But with the Church warning it may try and unseat politicians at the next election if they

back the Reproductive Rights Bill, it has little chance of success. You don?t have to step far outside

Congress to see what ignorance about sex and lack of contraception can lead to. This is a city so

overcrowded that even a railroad track gets called home, no wrong side of the tracks here. The

Congresswoman took us to her constituency outside Manila to see the kind of woman she wants to help.

She introduced us to Marichu, 7 children in a tiny shack plus one working and another put out to adoption.

They're all malnourished. Krisel Lagman-Luistro, who has a nursing degree, thinks some also have TBB.

BRADSHAW: So tell me their names.

MARICHU: Mei Ling, Adanika, Veronica, Danika, Danny Boy, Marlon, Junady.

BRADSHAW: And how much space do you have to bring up your kids in?

KRISEL: (translating) This is her space, this is the whole house.

BRADSHAW: This is it. Tell me, did you intend to have that many children?

KRISEL: (translating) No, it was not planned. I only wanted three but what can we do? They came one

after the other.

BRADSHAW: The family's earnings, a dollar a day. Marichu, mother of 9, tells the congresswoman she

wont use contraception, she's heard it's dangerous and the Catholic church says it's wrong, much to the

dismay of the Catholic congresswoman.

Nine kids, 7 still here, a dollar a day, told by the Pope no contraception. I mean what do you make of all



Philippines Congresswoman

That's why I cannot just follow what the church is teaching. When we go back to the ethics and morality of

this all, I respect life, I am pro life, but what kind of life. Not just near animal existence, but a life that will

bring these children hope.

Monsignor CRIS BERNARTE: (sermon) There are so many people, agencies and groups playing the role

of false prophets?.

BRADSHAW: The false prophets include the congresswoman and the priest is her old confessor. He

wants the Reproductive Health Bill scrapped.

(sermon continues) ?.defeating of House Bill 4110, they go against the very teachings of the church that

we propagate. They go against the very essence of the Catholic Christian faith.

BRADSHAW: Isn't this the church interfering in politics?


Albay Cathedral, Philippines

I don?t believe so.

BRADSHAW: Preaching from the pulpit about politics?

BERNARTE: It's not all politics because we are supposed to speak about the truth, this is our prophetic

role, you know.. as priests, as a church, this is our prophetic role. We have to tell all people what the truth

is all about. So anything that has to do with moral issues, the church addresses.

BRADSHAW: And it?s not just the Congresswoman's confessor fighting the bill. In Manila city, the heart

of MetroManila, it's the mayor.


Mayor of Manila City

This what we call the Haven for Angels. It's actually a place where we bury the foetus babies we find in the

streets, garbage?

BRADSHAW: Foetuses?

ATIENZA: Foetuses, yes, from garbage heaps, from sidewalks of the city, unclaimed by their irresponsible

mothers, and well they are placed properly in this place.

BRADSHAW: The mayor is filling the caskets in this crypt with aborted foetuses, each, he says, the body

of a tiny person.

So the foetuses are given names.

ATIENZA: Yes, they're actually given names by those who bury them here.

BRADSHAW: Are they blessed or??

ATIENZA: Yes, blessed and then still baptized with a name.

BRADSHAW: Abortion, contraception, evils to the Vatican, evils to the mayor, but this isn't his only

project. He's just declared Manila city the world's first 'pro life' city, and banned all contraceptive services

from city run clinics.

ATIENZA: Families have sacrificed. Contraception is negative. It is counter life, it's contraception.

BRADSHAW: So you don?t teach it.

ATIENZA: We don?t teach contraception.

BRADSHAW: In clinics.

ATIENZA: Definitely not.

BRADSHAW: So here we are in a mega city, growing by the day, by the hour, and in Manila City people

can't get contraception in the city's clinics.

ATIENZA: In Manila what we are promoting is a stronger family unit. We believe that contraceptive

thinking, abortion, are all destroyers of families.

BRADSHAW: So in the city we were shown the no choice clinic, IUDs, pills, condoms, all thrown out.

What's gone in: anti-abortion posters intended to shock. Now you can have any kind of family planning

advice you want, as long as it's natural.

DAHILIG: (teaching class) So as I said, you start charting on the first day of your menstruation?.

BRADSHAW: Counting the calendar or charting the state of vaginal mucous. The nurse in charge of the

clinics is thrilled by Mayor Atienza's ban.


Anti-contraception campaigner

Since Mayor Lito Atienza, I haven't seen any pills or condoms or any artificial method here in Manila


BRADSHAW: In Metro Manila, with contraception under threat, thousands live from scavenging on

rubbish tips, and Payatas, the garbage mountain, collapsed three years ago killing over 300 people. The

church says the root cause of this appalling poverty is not too many people, it's too few resources unequally

shared out. But women's groups say lack of reproductive rights are causing over population, poverty and



Likhaan Women's Group

I think personally that John Paul's teachings are taking a toll on people's lives here, that his admonition

against reproductive health care is actually causing death's of women here from unwanted pregnancy and

even from pregnancy that's complicated.

BRADSHAW: But the Vatican has its own vision of the threat to women. Look at MetroManila this way,

if they'll let you, and it's a city where women in their tens of thousands are sexually exploited for profit, a

city where Catholic ideals of love and the family are undermined by western style hedonism and avarice.


Pontifical Council for the Family

A time will come when humankind will be ashamed of how it introduced a false lifestyle, just as today we

are ashamed of apartheid, of racial discrimination and of other forms of discrimination. In future times we

will be ashamed of something we managed to defend as if it were a truth, a political truth, a truth imposed

in Parliament regarding the family, regarding human life, sex, where everything is permitted, where

everything is possible.

BRADSHAW: To the Pope this is a war against the permissive society and for a Christian ideal of love, the

family and motherhood. Millions have listened to his message in person as he's travelled to over 120


Other popes have stayed remote in the Vatican, but even after an attempt on his life, John Paul took his

message to the streets and onto the world's political stage. At the United Nations in New York the Vatican

has special permanent observer status because the Holy City in Rome is officially a state. No other

religious leader is so privileged. The Vatican status has given the Pope the chance to influence the world's

population and development policy, working with some unexpected allies to the irritation of liberal



Catholics for a Free Choice

When I go to the United Nations and watch the Vatican representatives operate right on the floor, I see them

going up to Libya, to the Sudan, to Oman, to very often to Muslim countries that have similar conservative

views on women and reproduction and wheeling and dealing just like every other government official in the


POPE JOHN PAUL: (with Reagan) God bless America.

(cheers from crowd)

BRADSHAW: Early in the Pope's reign he had a close ally in US President Ronald Reagan, both

determined to end communism and support family values. Now President George W. Bush, a born again

Christian, is reviving the alliance. He's pleased the Pope by stopping US aid for foreign organisations the

US considers as promoting abortion, and by cutting off 34 million dollars of funding for the United Nations

Population Fund and its family planning programmes. In Rome the ailing John Paul is still leading the

fight, clearly frail but creating new saints, enforcing church doctrine and appointing new cardinals who will

continue his work. But since the early days of his reign the world has been facing a new and terrible crisis.

It is in Africa where the AIDS pandemic has struck hardest, and it's also where the church is ignoring

widely agreed scientific evidence on AIDS. In Kenya someone dies of AIDS every couple of minutes. It's

thought up to a fifth of Kenyans have the HIV virus that causes AIDS, and in Nairobi, when your loved one

dies, this is where you come. There are 16 coffin makers in the street of coffins. A decade ago there were

just 3. The World Health Organisation says the best way to prevent AIDS is abstinence, or monogamy with

an uninfected partner, it also recommends condoms which it says significantly cut the risk of HIV

transmission. But the coffin makers know condoms are unpopular.

COFFIN MAKER: Many young people don?t trust condoms, they argue that dying of AIDS is like being

killed in an accident. People think condoms are not 100% secure and they treat it as a similar risk to a car

crash so they don?t like using them for those reasons.

BRADSHAW: About a third of Kenyans are Catholic and many clinics, hospitals and schools are Catholic

run. But while the church does promote abstinence and fidelity to prevent AIDS it does not promote

condoms. Vatican doctrine is opposed to condoms claiming they break the link between love and

procreation. Some priests get round this, say it's a matter for the conscience but not the Archbishop of



Archbishop of Nairobi

The Catholic Church does not advocate use of condoms under any circumstances. HIV AIDS is going so

fast because of availability of condoms.

BRADSHAW: You think condoms are causing AIDS?

A'NZEKI: Yes. I'll explain. You give a young Kenyan a condom for him or for her it's a license for

sexuality. They think they're protected and they're not protected. Understand?

BRADSHAW: You don?t think anybody should use?

A'NZEKI: We don?t use? any produced condom, they should not be made at all.

BRADSHAW: They should not be made.


BRADSHAW: Nobody should use them.


BRADSHAW: Even people who are not Catholics you think should?..

A'NZEKI: Anybody for that matter. The laws of God affect everybody.

BRADSHAW: Catholics bishops in Kenya produced this pamphlet which claims: "Latex rubber from

which condoms are made does have pores through which viral sized particles can squeeze through during

intercourse." We read this to the World Health Organisation who told us it is: "simply not true".

This is scientific nonsense isn't it?

A'NZEKI: Scientific nonsense?


A'NZEKI: That is true. First we are defective. What ?? they have?

BRADSHAW: It doesn't say anything about defective condoms. It says: "Latex rubber from which

condoms are made has pores through which viral sized particles?."

A'NZEKI: It means they are not proof? complete 100% proof.

BRADSHAW: But it says latex rubber, it says that viruses can pass through latex rubber. That's nonsense.

A'NZEKI: You go and get the scientists to look at it.

BRADSHAW: Archbishop, with the greatest respect, what I'm suggesting is that you're peddling

superstition and ignorance.

N'ANZEKI: We are not peddling ignorance. We shall be proved the only people who have been right in

this matter in the long-run.

BRADSHAW: The most authoritative recent report is by the US National Institute of Health which

concluded: "In tact condoms are essentially impermeable to the smallest sexually transmitted virus, and

that the consistent use of male condoms protects against HIV/AIDS transmission." The World Health

Organisation insists it is imperative to continue promoting condoms for HIV prevention.

In 1996 Cardinal Otunga, who is the highest ranking Catholic in the country, led a symbolic burning of

condoms and safe sex literature. In Africa millions face death from AIDS, yet here the church is burning

condoms. The bonfire was attended by a top Catholic gynaecologist.


Catholic gynaecologist

It was a condom bonfire. We had more than 5-10 thousand people, young people, old people, simple men

from the streets.

BRADSHAW: Did you go?

KARANJA: Who, myself? I was there. I have to be there. I lead by example. We had discussions about

the condom. We had scientific presentations, we had social presentations, then we had?. How do you

want to call it? We had a symbolic burning of the evil that is the condom.

BRADSHAW: But does anyone take any notice of the Catholic attack on condoms? A day's drive from

Nairobi we've come to Lwak, by the shores of Lake Victoria. With no national health service or welfare

state in Kenya, the Catholic Church plays a vital role in curing, caring and educating, just as it does across

the world. Sister Victorine Akoth runs the Catholic clinic, and, like other nuns here, she has her own

painful experience of the AIDS epidemic, she's lost a brother and a sister to the virus. Girls are particularly

affected here, as many as four out of ten, thought to be the highest infection rate in the world. But the

Church's anti-condom stance has a strong grip in Lwak.

Attached to the medical clinic is an HIV testing centre and the man running it has to take notice of what the

Catholics who run the church say about condoms.


HIV Counsellor

What I tell people about condoms is that when condoms are used properly they prevent the spread of


BRADSHAW: Do you hand them out?

WAMBI: I don?t hand them out because I don?t stock them here.

BRADSHAW: Because?

WAMBI: Because we are in the Catholic premises and the Catholics do not maybe encourage the use of


BRADSHAW: They don?t encourage the use of condoms.


BRADSHAW: They don?t allow it in fact.


BRADSHAW: How do you feel about that?

WAMBI: Well it is something that is not good but there is nothing we can do about it.

BRADSHAW: So what did the nuns say about condoms top who have already got the virus? Sister

Victorine invited us to go and see one of her patients.

Sister, just explain where we're going and who we're going to see.


St Elizabeth Health Clinic

We are going to see a man who has been having AIDS for quite a long time, it is now already 6 years.

BRADSHAW: The patient with AIDS was Mathias, a choirmaster and helper of the church clinic. Inside

he suggested we start with a prayer.

MATHIAS: So we're going to pray a bit?..

BRADSHAW: Ill for six years and barely able to afford the medicines which keep him alive, Mathias

hopes that his wife, Emadine, has so far managed to escape infection. I first asked Mathias whether his

drugs were helping.



Yes, so they're working, it is responding in me.


MATHIAS: It is expensive but I'm just trying as much as I can.

BRADSHAW: Sister, what's your advice to Mathias and his wife?

SISTER AKOTH: My advice to him is only that they may keep praying because now there is nothing they

can do about it. He is already sick. If the wife has accepted the situation then they may live.. continue to

love each other, be faithful to one another until the day? their last day on earth.

BRADSHAW: Tell me how, Mathias, how this has affected your marriage. It must be difficult for you and

your wife.

MATHIAS: It's difficult but we have to control now because if you don?t control we know the risk. I know

that we have so many things, we have things like condom and me I can't use condom.

BRADSHAW: You can't use condoms?


BRADSHAW: Tell me why not.

MATHIAS: The church tells us that it's not 100% safe that we are? that there's some holes in it.

BRADSHAW: Holes in the condoms.

MATHIAS: ? in the condoms.

BRADSHAW: Sister, what are we to make of Mathias' story?

SISTER AKOTH: They aren't 100% useful because they can rupture, they're just made of rubber, they can

rupture, and as you see, there is some pores in the condom that the virus can pass through. That is very

true. So I seriously side with him that the option he has taken not to be with the wife, he will have to

control himself is very good.

BRADSHAW: Is there a place for condoms if they are used properly? If they work and they're used

properly, is there ever a reason to use condoms?

SISTER AKOTH: I don?t see a reason of using them.


What's really heartbreaking is that the sisters here seem kind, they seem intelligent, they're hard working

and they could be the front line in the war against AIDS, and yet what they're doing is peddling rumour and

superstition, and the question is really, who has made them believe it? We've come across what the WHO

calls "The dangerous allegation that condoms let HIV through before." The Archbishop of Nairobi had put

his name to a pamphlet making the claim, and we'd heard the story from Catholics in two other continents,

from the Head of the Pro Life Clinics in Manila City.

DAHILIG: What's wrong with condoms? You see condoms they are made of rubber, so even the AIDS

virus can pass through the pores of the condom.

BRADSHAW: And we'd heard the same claim from the Cardinal in Nicaragua.

CARDINAL OBANDO Y BRAVO: Now studying genetics we were told that AIDS can be transmitted

through the doctor's surgical glove which is less porous than a condom.

BRADSHAW: Clearly these extraordinary claims are being made by influential Catholics across the world,

so we asked the Pope's spokesman on the family whether they are also the official view of the Vatican.

Is it the position of the Vatican that the virus, the HIV virus can pass through the condom?


Pontifical Council for the Family

Yes, yes, because this is something which the scientific community accepts, and doctors know what we are

saying. You cannot talk about safe sex. One should speak of the human value, about the family, and about


BRADSHAW: But I have spoken to the World Health Organisation and they say it is simply not true that

the HIV virus can pass through latex from which condoms are made?

TRUJILLO: Well they are wrong about that, no dialogue is possible at that level, scientifically speaking,

because this is an easily recognisable fact.

BRADSHAW: In Kenya the Vatican's unyielding rejection of condoms is affecting real lives. Here in

Kisumu Irene already has AIDS. She's telling a group of unwed mothers in a community project what it's


IRENE: Take it seriously, it's hell. My dear sisters, it's hell.

BRADSHAW: This isn't a Catholic project so condoms are available, though with the propaganda against

them there's been a local backlash.


Teenage Mothers' Association of Kenya

We need people who are working especially with teenage mothers and child prostitutes, people who are

already engaging in sex, are actually being seen as promoting promiscuity because we are telling them if

you cannot? if you haven't reached a point where you are strong enough to abstain, then you'd better

protect yourself rather than getting exposed.

BRADSHAW: Some of the women who work here say Catholic propaganda against condoms is partly to

blame for their HIV positive status.


When I engaged in sex I didn't use a condom. I can remember my headmaster one day was trying to tell us

about the condom but when we went to church I heard something the priest was saying that condom is not

good for people, and in my life I say that if I could have had enough information on the condom use, I

couldn't have contacted the virus.

OTHATCHER: I think that the Pope perhaps is not in touch with the real problem. I know, working with

young girls in this programme, I know how bad HIV/AIDS has hit our adolescent girls, and I feel it. It is

not so easy for someone sitting in Rome to know what happens on the ground. Most of the girls that we

have here are girls from the Catholic background, and yet they are infected, they are HIV positive. If they

used a condom one time it would have saved their lives. Yet they cry and say it is too late. And we know it

is too late because they are already infected, and that's my appeal to the Pope. You can do something. You

can say something that will come down to the church and the young people of the world will be saved. We

are losing a generation of young people.

BRADSHAW: Pope John Paul II has been fighting passionately against contraception and abortion since

he was elected 25 years ago this week. A campaign to uphold an ideal of love, motherhood and the value of

life, yet his opponents say these same teachings have cause distress and suffering. In countries where

Catholic belief counts, the Vatican's teaching can still be a matter of life and death.


Next week on Panorama, who should go to university and who should pay? Two teams put the

controversial fees policy to the test with the Education Secretary there to defend the government's plans. If

you want to find out more about tonight's programme, visit our website: www.bbc.co.uk/panorama.





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